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Everything posted by ravensrule

  1. I think 4” should be relatively easy. 5” is stretching it. Eta: Looking at the radar now things seem to be sinking South pretty fast. If that continues we won’t hit 4”
  2. Are you sure you’re measuring with a ruler?.
  3. 1.7”, I’m shocked. Nice little storm. Hopefully i get to 4-5”.
  4. 95% of his posts make no sense. For a guy with his knowledge it's just beyond pathetic. We should all go on his Wintry Mix bored housewife's page and troll him like he does here.
  5. He is talking out of his ass like always, it has been steady for days.
  6. Does that mean you're using the homemade ruler?.
  7. I could be your father, now that’s scary.
  8. Lol, I have kids born in the 90’s. I feel ancient.
  9. Lol 10:1 is better than Kuchie.
  10. Manchester, MD on the highest point in the state apparently.
  11. Holy crap. So you think Northern Baltimore City gets 2”?. That probably means i get 1.5” tops.
  12. So what are you predicting for Northern MD?.
  13. And i thought the shut the F up Chuck was gone.
  14. Looks like it’s going to be a rainstorm for you with those steamy temperatures.
  15. Come on. It’s unsafe for the children to be out under such horrific conditions.
  16. I feel like I have been drinking excessively and then been spun around.
  17. What about without the homestead cap?.
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