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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. Lol, I know. Basically I think they collaborate and just cut and paste for the ALY zones from ALY maps when they put out for BTV covered area. ALY map looks just like that for SVT, go I am hedging against ALY--hope I am wrong, just seen this mid level warmth song and dance too many times I feel like.
  2. I don't see 8.2" happening down here unless there is a last minute press, seems to be another SVT slop fest.
  3. Yea, no worries, wasn't sure where you were located and clicked on your profile and then saw you were near the Tug which makes sense with that amount.
  4. Oh, had to google where the heck Copenhagen NY was...lol
  5. Well, that pic was like 630ish AM in my family room before anyone was up. Keep it 60-62 over night. Have 4 zones in house and a jotul stove, no problem heating up areas when I need to.
  6. Think this is my lowest since I moved here, can't recall for sure. Maybe Feb 16 was close or some other super rad pit type night.
  7. Mini overachiever, 25F with SN and 3" new.
  8. I dont normally hit any of the local spots on weekends unless friends or family are town, but 9pm on Friday there were so many cars heading from Manchester up the mountain towards Stratton it looked like an endless funeral procession or something. Never seen it like that on a Friday night at that time.
  9. Yes that's my backyard facing E/SE more than due SE I guess.
  10. Back of house faces due SE with full exposure. Spine is only 1/4 mile or less from MBY. Feels like the windows might blow in...lol
  11. Its insane here right now. Just put up 55mph on my Davis roof mounted anemometer. True house shakers. 28.7F with lt snow and blowing snow.
  12. Late to the party posting, but 9-10" range here. No wind at all, love those. So many paste events here this winter, like every single one, whether 2" or 20".
  13. There was definitely a weenie band over night through CVT into NH. Rochester VT cocorahs had 12" at 7AM.
  14. Friend stopped by earlier that works there and said definitely busiest of the year. 10k+ yesterday. I dont know, maybe everyone thought it was 12"+of fresh as opposed 4-5 of sleet/snow?
  15. Not exactly what you like to see pushing mid Jan.
  16. Meanwhile, played some backyard soccer down here....
  17. I mean yea I figured, but they still put the numbers in there so was taking it on some face value. I have seen some JSpin 40 or 50-1, but they are one offs with zero wind and much smaller events if I recall. Why even put those liquid totals in there then? All 66" is like 50-1 or even more.
  18. 39" on 50-1 ratios, damn. And those last 6" at 100-1...lol. That depth is nuts too.
  19. The large evergreens are completely caked, just wet snow frozen solid on them. Wind is blowing here and they are barley moving.
  20. ALY had less than 1" here mid day. Some of the mesos did look good, but they can overdone at times around the mtns. ALY throw up a WWA after 3-4" were already down. 4.7" with arctic dust falling now.
  21. 2 hours of near whiteout. Road is closed from Manchester up to the Stratton/Bromley area.. That almost never happens.
  22. HRRR looked pretty snowy for NVT. Had to triple check to make sure, but almost 4" here new since 4pm, getting windy with some blowing snow too.
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