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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. Kept the house 66-72F 24/7 through July. Colder the better, sorry get an extra blanket kids..lol
  2. I certainly approve of this break in the dewy pattern, but it's not exactly ideal for water activities. My wife just sent me a video of my kids in the Adirondacks tubing with sweatshirts on...
  3. That's gone almost for sure. Even 1" can be too much. Believe it or not .25-.50" is ideal. Obviously factors like soil composition, rainfall rate, etc matter too.
  4. Lol-- I just posted about this in the other thread. The bolded is exactly where I am this weekend. Left VT flooding just to find more in NY.
  5. Crazy amount of water coming down the hillsides in the Eastern Adirondacks last night. Wish I knew what the amounts are on radarscope storm accum estimate scale. Feels like 3-6" by duration and intensity in about 2 hours. Multiple culverts and parts of roads washed out where we are. Stuck for now until they get filled in.
  6. Yep, might want to check the carfax of any VT registered cars..
  7. 5.50" here. Looks like your area/MPV is where the totals maxed out.
  8. Guess I have been lucky so far with "only" 2.63" the last 24 hours. That is a serious slug of moisture coming for that same Londonderry, Weston, Ludlow, Killington area.
  9. I have always thought we need some type of AmerWx Astonishing Tales of Tamarack Biography....
  10. Yea-heavily installed now. Running constantly last few days--nice and comfortable. I guess there is a perspective of tolerable vs comfortable for those uninstalled. I could tolerate it maybe if I absolutely had to, but I don't have to and would much rather just be comfortable.
  11. Had 1.02" today. Had .65" the other day, so similar. Some decent TL, but no wind. Lawn still struggling interestingly even with some recent rains.
  12. My yard was overrun with munks the first couple years here....literally everywhere. Got an absolute killing machine of an outdoor cat 2 years ago--don't see them really outside of the woods very much now, except for the sporadic carcasses in the yard..lol. My cat nabs an occasional grey squirrel too, brought a full one inside just last week right into the kitchen
  13. How the heck are u that green? Lawns are pretty torched here and absolutely fried in Albany. Guess I haven't paid attention to rainfall..thought everyone was pretty dry.
  14. Yea, for sure. You never see crabgrass in May in NE, it may have sprouted, but it is tiny at this point and unnoticeable. If you had crabgrass last year, 100% it will be back and prob worse year over year(if you don't treat it) A single plant has literally thousands of seeds that it drops. If you don't care about the look of it, it is indestructible and survives any Stein pattern.
  15. Did mine today, worst I can remember. Between the dust and pollen, just off the charts. Covered head to toe, in my eyes, everywhere.
  16. Yea--and unless the pic is deceiving, it looks like only 2ft off the ground..lol. But yea TBlizz-might be cold damage...all of my young maple trees that are roughly 8-10ft tall look like shit still...leaves totally wilted and drooping straight down.
  17. Man, gardens look like shiitte right now. Have 10 peonies not opened totally flopped over, Japanese maples look really bad too. Hopefully that stuff rebounds? Having started any veggie stuff, so now worries there. Davis said 26.3F
  18. Yea, that's what I thought too, are most in the region already done anyway? My two had no flowers again this year. Two years in a row. Three years ago tree was loaded.
  19. Nice. I knew there were some tools for it. My yard is too big and I have got lazy dealing with them and have gave up hand pulling, its impossible. Will try that.
  20. They are hard to yank out, got a pretty long tap root and if you don't get it all, it will come back. I always seem to just break the tap root root. But yea, are far as lawn "weeds" go, they come and go pretty quick. They do self seed like crazy though, so if they do bother you and don't do anything, they will only increase every year. Obviously we have a large dichotomy toward lawns care on here of full on natural approach like you, and other end of spectrum of full chemical. I dont think either side will ever turn the other...lol. I try hard as possible for a hybrid approach doing as much organic as I can, but still some spot treatment when needed and some fert.
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