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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. Makes sense. More members they continue to get the more sponsors they get and maybe put a little more money into some of that. Even the 45 day interactive map is new and an upgrade.
  2. Oh--yep, thanks. More than 45 days would be nice like you said. I'm no software engineer, but think it wouldn't have been difficult to increase the date range to a year or so.
  3. I don't even see how you guys are getting the snowfall numbers in map form for more than 1 day? I only see precip and then things like Snow depth and snow water content.
  4. Wish with the new mapping feature you could do a running seasonal snowfall total over a specific date range and view it in map form. That would be a nice feature to be able to view the nuances in totals across the region.
  5. Their not very far from me and at almost 1900'. They definitely get alot of snow, of course that mid DEC storm is skewing the numbers high for us down here.
  6. I think the Woodford spotter is almost 90 years old, so guess we will give her a little leeway. But, may also explain some of the discrepancies.
  7. Didn't even realize that had a report--that can be a reference check like you said. They have base depth as 9-12" which is a little strange. Could be just that much of an extreme microclimate ala JSpin. My gut says a little weenie-ish.
  8. Mitch just tossed the Woodford observer under the bus on twitter...lol.
  9. Mitch only reported 4.8" over the past 24 hrs. Woodford reported 4" at 8am today, so that means 18" since 8am--no way(radar was better up here for much of the morning) So that seems pretty slant-sticky. I think maybe they were just reporting mutli -day totals in a weird way? For reference I've had 18" of upslope the past 6 days---so a 22" total for Woodford would be realistic over the that span--maybe they just reported it strangely. I dont know, it's a very mysterious place...lol. I did see that NWS asked Mitch on twitter if he thinks the Woodford total is legit.
  10. I saw that. Think that is a running total for at least 3-4 days if not the week. I noticed they haven't reported anything in a few days. There is no way in heck that is 24 hours. Nevertheless, conditions are really good up and down VT right now.
  11. Upslope building pre-arctic front in SVT and Western Mass. 5-6" new past 24 hours here.
  12. Just need a "Feel the Bern" sticker on the back to complete the package. Wonder if Phin would like one of those?? lol How are studded tires on dry highway?
  13. Growing up in PA I don't think I even knew snow tires existed I never knew anyone who had those in the Philly suburbs--doesn't really make sense down there, lack of snow and everything is paved. Even when we did weekend Pocono trips, never recall any issue--whether FWD, RWD, AWD.
  14. I have snows on my car and wife has all seasons..both AWD. Never really had an issue here in the valley. Kind of sketchy at times heading up the mountain to Bromley/Stratton area if its coming down--but I will say the road crews do a really good job for the most part and never had too much of an issue. When we were house shopping a few years ago we looked at a few places that were in the 1800-2200Kft range on the east slopes. Some of these places were isolated and tucked away up hilly driveways/back roads. AWD and snow tires would be an absolute must in some of those areas if you were trying to get in and out on daily basis. A couple I had trouble with in my car with snows and AWD---tucked away in deep evergreen shaded roads that became pure ice without snow cover.
  15. Just pounding. 1" in 30 mins. Massive flakes--roads should be fun taking kids to school.
  16. Just was curious and went back to look at those March 2018 storms. Woodford reported 100" on the nose in 13-14 days..lol. So 5-6ft OTG certainly seems right in line with compaction.
  17. Nice--glad you guys could get a little of the fun too--even if its just an inch or two.
  18. Right, and .5" certainly isn't going to be 10:1 as we know.
  19. -SN falling here now. Radar looks real good for you guys in N Greens--there's radar echoes backing up in N NY through Canada. Another fluff bomb refresher.
  20. Nice. 11.8" since that time here--which is pretty solid for my location.
  21. I thought about that too recently--feel like its been a while since we had a string of those--or any for that matter.
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