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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. I did go out this morning and was like WTF? Took about 10 seconds to realize what had happened most likely, and then checked cam to confirm.
  2. Since moving here have never seen a bear in daylight IMBY. Past couple weeks been probably 3 or times, even when I am out there, they don't seemed phased unless I make a lot of noise. They are getting more and more comfortable it seems around here. I don't know, maybe it is random. This little guys strolled by this morning at 7AM. Not sure what he was looking for in a flower pot--lol. https://video.nest.com/clip/d58836ad922140b888abb68216d660f8.mp4
  3. Actually picked up 1.1" of rain. Pretty steady too, so hopefully soaked in the ground. Pretty tired of watering veggie garden and new perennials/shrubs, etc. Lawn was really torched. Not saying wells were drying up, but aesthetically never seen so many brown lawns since I have moved here. The super dry air and wind just sucks the moisture out so quick compared to our normally humid summers recently. This summer has been crazy with the lack of humidity though, just top 10 day after day. You can see why the older houses dont have AC, not really needed until the recent dewey stretch of the last 15-20 years or whatever. Im sure dendrite has charts to show the dews over time.
  4. Normally ENY and SVT are halfway decent for storms by NE standards, what a snoozer for June. Month long chamber weather.
  5. Up in Essex Junction for a soccer tourney all weekend. No shade and a scorcher for kids and parents alike. Honestly enjoyed last weekends tournament with fleece blankets and hats more I think. ..lol.
  6. https://video.nest.com/clip/801114b066444ddfa5da007d4b7a8a1a.mp4 https://video.nest.com/clip/3a859ca2effd4724b69c1df80784ed4e.mp4 I forgot to take in my Feeder on Monday night and had one come to the back of the house, which has happened many times. What is interesting is that the Bear is so delicate with the Feeder, he just sucks the seeds like a vaccuum it seems, the holes are pretty small where the seed comes out. The Feeder itself is still the exact same shape it was before he got to it, not like he smashed it into pieces and then ate the seeds-seems to have some experience with these feeders---lol. The second clip is funny, dude just pops a squat on the lawn enjoying his feast..ha.
  7. Without even looking at my data, that jives with the feel of what has been going on here in SVT. Every rain event seems to be .14"-- barely wetting the ground under trees. Wouldn't mind some dews to maybe get some storms at least.
  8. Yea, that is pretty crazy. You knew it was a mortal lock though of there being multiple rescues this weekend.
  9. Could be. Those types of Hydrangeas that bloom on old wood never look good here(obviously a lot warmer where you are climate wise), they always seem to get winter damage or some type of spring frost/freeze issue. My in laws have 2 or 3, not sure what variety, but I have rarely seen anything but a random flower or two, many years nothing. I just stick with Panicle and Smooth Hydrangeas that look good every year regardless of winter/spring conditions.
  10. Big soccer tournament being held in Manchester this weekend that my daughter is playing in, everyone bundled in hats, fleece blankets, hot chocolate's, warm tea's, coffee's...lol.
  11. We are firmly on to Deer Fly season, they have been out for a little while now. Still some lingering black flies though too. I only ever remember worrying about mosquitoes growing up in SEPA. It really is ridiculous up here with the bugs...lol. Serious rain shield in effect here..no rain for 15 days and then only .19" last night.
  12. Just like any window AC, you have to take screen out if it's not a sliding screen. My screen slides up, but is still unusable with this. Basically you can open window, but there won't be any screen. Unless you jimmy rigged something I guess.
  13. Yea Steve, I have all 4 units on the app and can control them individually.
  14. Ha, me too. I watched youtube videos. Honestly, they do have a nice straight forward easy to understand system for install, but its not the 30 second set it and forget of my old units.
  15. Yea, that is basically what I read as well. I pretty sure have posted before about how inefficient some of those portable units can be, what a difference when I got rid of my ratty 9K portable and went to the 12K Midea.
  16. I have a 12K, 10K and two 8K's. I was coming from 3 old crappy Walmart units and a 15 year old portable unit. They really are unbelievably quiet. My window units were 5K and portable 9K, so it was upgrade in every sense for me. It is really nice to be able to be out all day and use the app and have run them for a few hours so it is cool when you get home. I know alot of window units now have wifi, but this was a change for me. I think SJones or someone mentioned that is kind of nice to have the extra light as well, they actually look pretty nice from the inside aesthetically. I wouldn't say they are difficult to install, but a bit tedious. I am definitely happy with them considering what I was coming from, total night and day.
  17. I had no idea about that rebate until you posted that last night. I bought 4 of those suckers last year, guess time to get my $400.
  18. Wow, pretty quick drop to 59F by 9pm. You might be the coolest spot in NNE right now..or one of. Outside of some spot right on the water. 69F here.
  19. Judging by some of the responses here, does seem a little high, maybe I could find something closer to 20K. He said something like, "We're not the cheapest, but we are the best". Ha. I guess I kind of went in a little blind not doing a ton of research on overall cost and didn't factor in the pretty high labor costs.
  20. Yep, I got one cut in this year and my lawn is starting to brown in spots. I don't even think some of it came out of dormancy from winter--just straight from that tan /brown winter color to that dry/drought brown color...
  21. How many wall mounted? I got a quote for 5 wall mounted and 2 outside condenser units and think it was 25-26K. I guess had a little sticker shock, so I am sticking with the Midea's I bought last year for now...lol. Granted, that was only 1 quote, I didn't totally shop around, but figured other would be in that neighborhood, even if a cheaper.
  22. The NNE time honored tradition of black fly season has commenced in this area of SVT. Today was the first day they were noticeably annoying.
  23. I don't have the bags so I don't know. You may be right the amount applied could be similar based on how many sq feet the bag says it covers. Maybe the 30-0-5 just covers more area and the amount applied could be similar to the 19-0-7. Depends of spreader settings and number of factors I guess. I don't ever use those Combo Fert and Dimension products personally. The only true way to determine the Nitrogen would be to see the labels.
  24. I would use the 19-0-7 just because I don't think you need to drop that much nitrogen in spring (the 30 number in the 30-0-5).
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