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Everything posted by backedgeapproaching

  1. Also had zero clue there was any chance of storms today, then a deluge opened up while my kids were at the Manchester Rec Pool. Looks like .62" at home.
  2. Just got back my $400 rebate check from Efficiency Vermont for the Midea ACs I bought last year. Have to give props to @mreaves for making a post about it couple months ago. I didn't even know it was thing until I saw that post! Time for another Tree House run..ha.
  3. I was watering my plants a ton in June. I don't ever water my grass, too much time and effort and well is too shallow anyway. July and Aug have been pretty decent precip wise, so kept green for the most part the past couple months.
  4. I've seen you post those in the other thread, would you just water the damn things Kevin...lol
  5. Hydrangeas look pretty healthy which is kind of surprising unless you are watering them.
  6. If you are able to water consistently, you can really start now honestly. If you are just going to rely on good old ma' nature, then maybe wait and pray for fall rains.
  7. Lol. The curved back ones are the only ones remotely comfortable.
  8. I think @powderfreakhas mentioned this in the past for Stowe, but August is just crazy busy here. Every night you need call ahead or reservations for most restaurants. In July, almost never need that during weekdays. Maybe that is just the same every where in New England, AUG is peak vaca time I guess. Nice comfy 51.8F this morning for the low.
  9. My wife and I noticed a weird looking creature on the petunias the past week or two, no idea what it was, but now I do after a Google search. Defintley interesting.
  10. Turned into a sneaky somewhat wet July. 6.66". Cocorahs 30 year prism average says 4.84" for here.
  11. Nothing severe by any means, but these dews let out some torrential downpours and put down a quick 1.12" as they rolled through SVT. Nice evening with some stratus hanging around the Ridgeline as everything clears through.
  12. Yep, those .1-.3" events are pretty much useless when the soil is this dry. Honestly need a 1-3", but not in a 30 min Tstorm. I had mentioned in my other post, I was kind of shocked that following a 1" rain the soil dried out so quickly.
  13. Yea, it was too much for me too. I was doing it for a while, then just gave up the lawn watering and just do veggie and perennial gardens. My low output well can't hold up anyway to watering the lawn as much as it would need it.
  14. This is easily the most I have watered lawn and garden here in SVT since moving here in 2014, also the brownest I have seen the lawn and that is with some rain here and there. I think a big part of the brown lawns and dry gardens has been the very low RH and DPs for most of the summer. The evapotranspiration I'm sure has been off the charts when you combine very low RH, sun and wind. The top 4-6" of soil has been getting sucked dry very quickly. Before this recent stretch every day seemed to be a Chamber day with sun and low dews. The other week I had 1" of rain and was watering again in 2 days. Even 1" of rain really did nothing to my grass, just kept it from getting browner really. I think many of our summers the past 15 years have been so humid, that moisture was retained in the soil much more so after a rain event. As was mentioned also, soil composition plays a big part too. Obviously it has been dry for a big part of the region as well as per the map posted.
  15. No wind to speak of, but couple hours of constant TL and tropical esque downpours early this AM. 1.71" in Stratus and .39"in Davis--something aint right..lol.
  16. Want to try to get up there sometime, just for the optics, kind of mini fjord vibe.
  17. Bennington got to 95F today. Unless I am not looking at xmacis correctly, 95F looks like the all time max since 1998 when they started recording temps. @dendrite can confirm if I have that right?
  18. I think I might have one of the lowest totals in all of VT this event, only .12", at least at the bottom of the cocorahs report im sure tomorrow.
  19. Nice, enjoy. Although you may be the first person ever to say they enjoyed Bennington more than Burlington...lol. I think you had a post the other day about it. Their are defintley more "quaint vermont towns" I guess than Burlington if that is what you are after.
  20. Chamber approved weather in the Adirondack's Water not quite as warm as last year at this time, but still 76f-ish, so not too bad.
  21. Pretty wild storm, nickel size hail and probably some biggers ones just bouncing off the ground with pure white out and good winds too. Best storm in a while and easily biggest hail I have seen since I have been in VT. Also dropped almost an inch of rain in what seemed like a few minutes. Just grabbed this melting one for pic..lol.
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