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Everything posted by H2O

  1. If they can curb sodium usage in any way shape or form it will help. Damage is already being done due to salt piles being dumped on roads. The data on what’s showing up in the watersheds due to it is alarming
  2. Good to hear. Gotta change how roads get treated before it’s too late
  3. I see you have adopted the Ellinwood grey zone of despair.
  4. VDOT brining the shit out of the roads today. Gotta love the stupidity to destroy our watersheds all for cars
  5. Sounds like most of us are in Stage 5 of the Kubler Ross grief cycle
  6. Snatching victory from the jaws of defeat
  7. Still a lot to figure out for those close to I-95 but a couple inches of snow is better than zero snow
  8. Just wanna say that the storm did better with more memes
  9. Yup. With this track it will PUMMEL the column and flip way sooner than those models show. Hell even when there is a great track that’s East MBY and DC flip to sleet for a while. Every huge storm does this. So people need to expect more warm air at least East of the BR.
  10. Hey @stormtracker I'm posting about leaves!!!
  11. Why do all those leaves still on the ground bother me so much?
  12. I've waited 13 years for you to make this post
  13. I'm legit quitting doing it in the main thread. I've opened pandoras box and too much of a bad thing(my memes) is a bad thing
  14. And I’m not sure I’m taking the off ramp for a storm that goes west. I’ll stay in the left lane and drive slow waiting for the next one to get closer
  15. Or RR. He will fight the competition
  16. A PDS just went out for widespread memes for the area
  17. Erryone making memes now. Might be time to retire. Again.
  18. Can we just get the next storm to show up now so we can make a thread for it? Tired of this one. The weekend storm is stupid and smells funny. Oh wait, one of the kids didn't flush. Why can't they flush the damn toilet?
  19. That happens a lot at the bar
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