I have had snow OTG in some way shape or form since Jan 3. To be 1/4" under DCA climo(its what I use for MBY) and it just hit the middle of Jan is freaking awesome. The last two years were so bad for my hood. Missing north, south, east and west.
This is why the joy of seeing ANY snow fall is something I wish for everyone. I'll take it. From .5" to 30(that won't ever happen but I can dream). Life means taking what you can get when you can get it cause you never know when it might be your last. And being miserable over it sucks the joy out of life.
But that said, if you dare come to try and steal my snow in the middle of the night just give me a heads up and I'll help load the truck. I know a house you can "borrow" from cause they never give out good halloween candy. And then after we can have a beer(me) and whatever you like to have while laughing over Vice Regent getting more snow than Ji one time.