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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Best snows are when the winds howl. Blowing snow makes thing look worse but it’s just snow TV here. No matter how much it tries it can’t accumulate. Rimed flakes don’t help temp dropped under 30
  2. Only gonna be 1” here and just on grass and elevated surfaces. Roads are fine. Never snowed well for long. Windy tho. Not gonna complain. Stat padder snow
  3. Winds def starting to pick back up again. It had lulled for a bit with just light snow. 32.2 now
  4. All snow now. Mulch and grass starting to whiten. Cars coated. 32.8
  5. This might be one of those rare storms where the cold did come in before the precip ended.
  6. About 50/50 sleet snow. Want full flip but sleet that sticks will be concrete later
  7. You can go swimming in those big ass flakes when Conn Ave caves.
  8. Temps dropping here 6:45- 38.8° 7:30- 36.4° and it is dropping as I post this
  9. You’d think with these winds it could bring the cold air in faster. But noooooooo
  10. It is ridiculously loud outside. Winds and rain pelting. 38° .33” precip
  11. I guessed. I've only had the cinnamon TBH I really prefer the fruit snack flavor one
  12. Down here, likely. But that hasn't stopped them before. It feels like the people that brine have a sadistic side to them knowing if they put it down extra heavy then cars look like pop tarts on wheels. Frosted pop tarts that is.
  13. 52.7/43 3rd drink and want key lime something. Lots of angle of the dark too
  14. This storm might happen if they don’t brine the roads
  15. He misread it. Anytime 6” or more is mentioned Randy thinks he can measure it one way
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