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Everything posted by H2O

  1. I'm not in the blue. Fuck this storm. Its like it knows where I live
  2. To me the piece near WI/MN is slower and giving more space. helps spread things out more.
  3. Funny how the GFS snow map looks more like the Ukie with the blob near Fredricksburg
  4. Usually being zone A means top notch as A is the best. You try to get a grade of A on most things. Not a D. This zone A means: awful, atrocious, agonizing, awfuckthis, and areyoukiddingme. But it happens. N&W will get to enjoy and thats fine. Got some snow this week. Watching it fall again for a bit will be nice too. The new thread didn't bring it back for everyone. It still needed a souther, diggier, wetter, more jet streakier pointed at Norfolk to be good for lets say Fredricksburg north. Can't win them all.
  5. I started the one that Storm killed that brought the storm back
  6. I’m just hoping to do better than Georgetown at this point
  7. And it dropped. 9.8°
  8. Need a shift south. Won’t happen cause it never does and what would shove it south would dry it up
  9. 10.4° might drop a tiny bit more before sun comes up
  10. Whats wrong with this? It is right up there with the opening of Saving Private Ryan. Or the surprise ending of The Sixth Sense. Or Darth Vader telling Luke who he was. Just look at the time spent on the graphics. Epic!
  11. The REAL reason you hate that movie is when Superman is drinking and he's got a Johnny Walker red label bottle
  12. It is cinema veritae. A classic in the same way Citizen Kane and Gone With the Wind and Godfather are classics. I’ve often heard how Spielberg used it for inspiration when making movies and we know how good he is
  13. And it was nice knowing you all
  14. Nuclear man>>>>>>General Zod
  15. It’s done out of love. And that I’m a complete asshole
  16. How it never won an Oscar is beyond me
  17. If he says “Superman 3” or “nuclear man” then we are truly fucked
  18. I'm sure some will disagree and say temps before don't matter, but IMO the warmish temps we had(I had) the few days prior to this storm affected accums. If it had been 30s leading up to this then I think roads/grass would have caved sooner. But I got to 49F before the squall front Sunday. To me and my experience, the ground and pavement was toasty. Not a complaint but more a observation that the snow could have been better for some if you take prior conditions before this storm into account. 29F current so things will stay icy for a while.
  19. Thanks for making it happen after I almost murdered the threat. So when can I start the next thread for Friday?
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