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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Does this rule apply to people watching here? If it does then I'm out
  2. Under freezing but barely 31.8°
  3. So many thunder snow videos from around Buffalo.
  4. Not as cold. 35.7° for my low
  5. I wish. 2 kids both doing HS sports. Busier than a one legged man in an ass kicking contest
  6. Buffalo LES event gonna be ridiculous. I wanna go
  7. Got 1.17”. Was pouring at times.
  8. 72 dolphins are safe. Eagles won’t match that now
  9. Temp dropped more. 29.4°
  10. Down to 30°. Legit freeze
  11. Might finally be able to keep the ac off for a while. Blustery this morning. Would be nice to have all the leaves down
  12. Back to the cooler mornings. 38°
  13. Tried looking for it when I got up but too low in the sky to see. Looked awesome tho
  14. Still no freeze. 35 and .1” frost. Shaved frost slurpee morning
  15. He’s the baddest man cause he knows what he knows
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