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Everything posted by H2O

  1. was 32.2 when i left pre-sunrise. Maybe I got to freezing.
  2. 31.6°. Even the UHI can cool off
  3. The Washington Generals will win a Globetrotter championship before those two teams
  4. DC United will win a championship before those two
  5. And it would have been better with more sun
  6. The most impressive thing about this wx event is the temp drop. thats it
  7. I always get ENH sun in January
  8. Clouds are moving faster than the sun can peek through.
  9. I don't think the sun is what will get us the storms today, guys.
  10. Too bad we didn't have any sun today.
  11. 3 championships in the last 2 years. Caps, Mystics, Nats. Makes up for the shitty Skins
  12. Day 1 Convective Outlook NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK 0750 AM CDT Thu Oct 31 2019 Valid 311300Z - 011200Z ...THERE IS AN ENHANCED RISK OF SEVERE THUNDERSTORMS THIS AFTERNOON INTO EARLY TONIGHT FOR NORTHERN NC INTO SOUTHERN PA... ...SUMMARY... Severe thunderstorms capable of damaging winds and a few tornadoes are expected mainly this afternoon into early tonight from the Carolinas into the Mid-Atlantic. ...Mid-Atlantic to Carolinas this afternoon into early tonight... An intense midlevel shortwave trough now over MO will accelerate east-northeastward through tonight toward PA/NY, while taking on a more neutral-to-negative tilt and peak 500 mb wind speeds exceeding 120 kt. Strong surface cyclogenesis is expected in advance of the amplifying midlevel trough, with a cyclone moving from OH to the lower Great Lakes this evening, and continuing into southwestern QC by early Friday. South of the deepening cyclone, a strong cold front will move eastward from the OH/TN Valleys across the Appalachians this afternoon, reaching the Atlantic coast overnight. The cold front will be the primary focus for severe thunderstorms through this evening. Northward advection of low-level moisture is underway across the Carolinas/VA, where boundary-layer dewpoints range from mid 60s north to the lower 70s south. Dewpoints in the 60s should reach as far north as southern NY by late afternoon, though widespread clouds/rain will limit surface heating with northward extent from VA. Despite poor low-midlevel lapse rates, the moist low levels will promote at least weak buoyancy rooted near the surface into PA. Buoyancy will be a little greater to the south into VA and the Carolinas, where richer low-level moisture and some surface heating in cloud breaks will support MLCAPE of 1000-1500 J/kg. Within the warm sector, vertical shear will increase through the day in response to the approach and deepening of the midlevel trough/surface cyclone. Long hodographs with effective bulk shear of 50-60 kt are expected, and there will also be sufficient low-level shear/hodograph curvature for rotating storms (effective SRH of 300-500 m2/s2). Strong linear forcing for ascent along the cold front will be the primary focus for storm development, mainly east of the Appalachians this afternoon/evening. The strong linear ascent will favor upscale growth into a squall line, though strong deep-layer shear and enough east component to storm motions may allow some embedded supercell structures to persist. The weak buoyancy and very strong low-level shear will favor damaging winds as the primary threat, though a few tornadoes will also be possible with embedded supercell and mesovortex structures this afternoon/evening.
  13. need the hype meter for today. Seeing ENH on halloween is def unusual
  14. Trees really have gone from green to color to no leaves in record time
  15. must be 21 or older to view the beer porn
  16. I found a local one that was selling their stuff Saturday that I fell in love with. Its an english style pale ale. https://www.oldbusthead.com/bust-head-english-style-pale-ale
  17. 1.30" from that frontal passage yesterday. Ground is soft again
  18. Saw the Founders KBS at Total Wine. $23???????????????????????? Damn. Hard pass.
  19. I want to go to a sports bar and see the reaction when I ask them to put on the Food Network so I can see the Halloween baking wars
  20. Days? try hours. every model run determines how winter will go
  21. Its just what I came up with in my skull spur of the moment. It should have been a dead giveaway that I would use puns to tickle everyone's funny bone. I also know my audience. #madeyoulaugh
  22. Hey, I like the work they do. Think they will work for bare minimum? I might have a couple bones I can throw their way. If its just a skeleton crew of those 3 I can afford it.
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