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Everything posted by H2O

  1. The only thing we accumulate more than actual snow is mood swings
  2. baby steps. Once we give the Euro the deliverable then snow funding will be released.
  3. one day we will get that Nov snow storm we so richly deserve
  4. compared to last night, 12z is an improvement
  5. i think schools will be closing
  6. If today's 12z euro is a flush hit we will need storm mode
  7. Why aren't we talking about Thu/Fri rain? We still are near drought conditions. This is serious, guys.
  8. If @Bob Chill is out on a Nov snow chance then I am too!!!!
  9. This place is clearly not in winter shape yet. No one has extrap'd the NAM yet for next week
  10. This storm will establish the pattern for the entire winter. Atmospheric memory. Days and days of snow. Die is cast. It’s set in stone. The kicker has never missed a FG
  11. 18z euro happy hour today. Book it.
  12. Who had 1987 as top analog? Didn't the rest of that winter blow? Someone is going to ask this
  13. If it doesn't snow next week I'm cancelling winter
  14. I bet if you went and looked for a similar type tweet from last year it was all hype for a cold winter. And we know how that worked out. I pay no mind to these things that try to say what it will be like in 3 let alone 1 month ahead
  15. And I'm adding T events hoping to break 1"
  16. The best outlook to have. Snow is just a bonus if it falls.
  17. This will be a long winter if its going to be like this from now until march
  18. The NFL should pay fans for having to watch teams like the Skins, Jets, Miami play
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