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Everything posted by H2O

  1. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    Closing schools for the rest of the year was the one thing I think VA got right. I'm not willing to risk sending my kid off to school with this still running rampant. Just look at how many regular colds kids bring home before this virus went nuts. Schools are breeding grounds.
  2. If we are coming dressed as our online persona then I either find a permanent rain shower costume or a clown one.
  3. Same lawn chair from the "never forget" earthquake pic?
  4. As long as you are happy it makes no difference to me.
  5. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    But we don’t see that being done everywhere. For example the thing in MI and in some other states. One small event like that can create a new issue that otherwise wouldn’t have happened.
  6. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    Would it be fair for him to look at regional numbers? Like Tri-State and surrounding NE states
  7. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    This is where you just HAVE to come in and act like a jerk. First off, you, me and everyone else here aren’t epidemiologists. We are just people trying to understand the data that get published to see if there are any positive trends. That’s it. We rely on the experts that DO know about this stuff to guide us. They are doing what’s best for us just like your doctor would tell you to do x,y,z to feel better. If you don’t like being told you aren’t an epidemiologist then don’t act like you know more than they do. And using weather analogies is lol. You think people are emotional over things not being worse is just gross. It isn’t like a snowstorm that goes poof. I don’t want numbers to get worse. I want them better. This would be like me saying you are acting like some do in winter when they see the GFS have a snowstorm one day and then not and saying the model sucks and should be fixed and saying never trust the models. These models being used will only be as good as the data entered in. And since this country isn’t homogeneous the variables are constantly changing. What it shows today might not be valid for tomorrow. But that’s why we have smarter people telling us what to do. Yes, even people smarter than you. So trusting them matters.
  8. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    Here in VA it has been a slow process. My wife filed for unemployment back in March when she was laid off. This was after Northam said that claims wouldn't need to have weekly job searches to get payment knowing people couldn't go look for work. Her claim was denied due to the place she works not being eligible. But with the passage of the CARES act by Congress it was meant to cover those who don't normally fit the unemployment requirements. VA has since tried to make their claims system adapt to this new condition but its been slow. One month later and still no unemployment assistance. Thankfully I have been working and I cover most of the monthly expenses anyways but I feel really bad for many others like mt deal who probably haven't received any gov't assistance for weeks.
  9. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    My son(HS senior) has been able to do video distance learning both days this week and was able to start some work before Easter. He doesn’t even need to do it as he will be allowed to graduate and his grades were As prior all this. My two daughters have struggled with the video side as the school website for learning has been glitchy. They had to cancel today’s work due to technical issues. But my hope is they will get it ironed out this week. This is an unprecedented time for educators and school systems. Anyone who thought they could just flip a switch to utilize technology so that tens of thousands could all access learning material was a fool. This isn’t easy. And trying to provide materials to ALL students is a challenge. Some still don’t have access to computers as easily as others
  10. Might have seen a couple tiny globby flakes on my way to work. Its butt chilly out tho.
  11. But very passive aggressive at the same time
  12. How is it friendly to call the place a oppressive communist regime? you are free to leave unlike the actual NK
  13. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    Thanks! I have been tracking and checking by county and district and the state VDH webpage has some stuff broken down by demo and age. Want to drill down more to specifics so might have to wait. Some things they have done before others as far as posting numbers of people tested. Some things they are lagging on and zip codes is one of them.
  14. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    I know MD has started posting cases by zip codes and DC has cases by ward. Does anyone know if VA has the same info of cases by zip? I cant find anything other than by health district and county for VA.
  15. H2O

    COVID-19 Talk

    And oh man. That post
  16. Da hell is that? Was up at 4 thanks to the rain and worrying about a back drain. Stayed up because alarm goes off at 5am M-F. I get to go into the office each day. Yay
  17. Oh and 2.46” rain for the day. Drought buster and if this isn’t a kick in the nuts. My daily rain for today was more than my total snow for the winter.
  18. My kid wanted to go out and shoot hoops and before she got out the door that cell started raining here. Good call on the rainbow on the backside. Gonna have to look
  19. I dunno. Shelfies and whales mouth are top notch too. But who doesn’t like boob clouds?
  20. Def pea/pebble sized hail that fell. Wife sent pic
  21. And I guess I should have read your post first. lol
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