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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Another day of wind. Having to restring the flagpole on a day like today sucks
  2. It’s always hilarious the people who post to complain about what posts are modded and yet they stay and post. Every year.
  3. I love it yet am horrified someone made that
  4. He can change posting hot dogs being destroyed gifs
  5. I’ve replaced so many fill valves and other toilet things that all of it is burned into my memory. Now it did take 3 trips to get the right supply cut off for the dishwasher under my sink. That was because the boxes were mislabeled. Said 3/8s and was really 1/2. That pissed me off. If I had seen that video it wouldn’t have happened
  6. Started my friday HH with fixing two leaking toilets, a broken supply line to one toilet and a trip to Lowes to fix said problems Now to have a rum and coke
  7. It is the thing that cannot be named
  8. 2 vortmaxes, 1 phase? That one?
  9. If monday's storm is a bust I blame the radio show
  10. Today/tonights storm doesn't leave the area of Nova Scotia until tuesday and by then its too late.
  11. OMG. I'm so sorry to hear. My condolences
  12. that gif stopped working for me. dammit
  13. Ji has always been the asset this place can rely on for that technical stuff
  14. I know. And pages of extrapolated NAM at 18hr
  15. I was being not filled with coffee and its early for the not picking up on sarcasm crowd
  16. Lets have it fall first. Don't care about melting yet.
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