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Everything posted by H2O

  1. If you can flip back later then total storm could get you over 8”
  2. Are you new here? Ji will complain at 80” snow saying he should have had 81”
  3. Someone needs to let me know when my winds will shift from warm ocean to not warm ocean in the next couple hours
  4. Let’s just agree that any temp above 32.0 and rain is the worst
  5. Thats because the orange arrow is warm air. When they draw it going over us its too far. We need that arrow to stop near VA Beach for us to get the cute puffy cloud
  6. Mom- Hello, A&E Intervention show? Yes, my son spends too much time in the basement looking at HRRR models. Is this cosplay?
  7. the rain is washing my snow away sad trombone sound
  8. C'mon mattie. This storm you didn't even need to question school closings. Small victories.
  9. Thanks for the info. you got friends at Sterling? Hook a brother up?
  10. Can you post that whne they do? Or is it only for that office that gets the real time data?
  11. The CC feature might be great technology but technology also gave me almost a foot of snow a few days ago and the same technology took it away. So I might not "love" technology as much as some of y'all Now let me use my smart phone to order off Amazon and get it tomorrow.
  12. Can we wait until my last raindrop falls?
  13. sleet at work. I had 5 hours of snow today. Thats a win for 2020
  14. Impressive stickage. Mine usually slides off when like that
  15. You've never been to a Burning Man festival, have you?
  16. When arlwx makes an obs post I just know its going to be something I don't want to read.
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