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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Just having a little frozen makes this an over performer
  2. 35.3/29 and starting to hear some pingers mixed in with the rain
  3. Temp dropping. But it’s moving like Tom Brady scrambling out of the pocket. 36.8/26
  4. There’s stuff on radar just to my south. Am I doing this right? I’m nervous.
  5. The fireside chats FDR gave us were calming but the beet crops failed. Not enough Rarecrows to keep birds away. 38.2/25. Baro steady
  6. Thanks. I look younger than my actual age and the number you posted knocks 6 years off it. And for the second one it’s in hours. Hush. Ageism is a terrible thing. And his post was so far off it was laughable. So that’s what I did. I laughed. Baro is 30.05 to make this post non banter. Hip hurts so it’s gonna rain
  7. It’s actually 38/26. Cloud angle helping.
  8. yeah, I'm sure its not as roasting as it can be. In some ways the clouds today have helped. Lots of times cloud deck takes all morning to get in and by then we fight mid 40s
  9. Can't wait to get home and see 40.9/32 on the ol thermo meter
  10. Based on how tonights storm has trended better I will say that starting tomorrow the Thursday storm will suddenly get better.
  11. Just remember that if this storm surprises and area wide sees measurable snow that the NAM led the charge.
  12. 3 meters is a huge jump. By 18z it might be south of the Arboretum
  13. Thats just for MBY. Not a commentary on trends or anything. I wish it were south of me. Like in Cuba
  14. Well now TB has redeemed itself!!!! Maybe once things are back to normal I'll go to a hooters again. Haven't been in like forever.
  15. I bet Tampa has a Jimmy Buffet food joint. Even Guy Fieri wont step foot in there.
  16. I'm just here for the cookies
  17. Like maps are what really distracts you.
  18. the bone dry expert 6z Euro just said HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  19. Most super bowls have good food ties. Like a KC and GB one would have BBQ and cheese/kielbasa. Or BUF and GB would be wings and pretzels and beer cheese dip. This one will be Rib and sand. TB has nothing to be famous for.
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