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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Of course Randy comes in to shit on my plans for posting CMC runs out to Feb. Why? Why can't we have nice things?
  2. The commanders lost to the bears by more. THATS embarrassing
  3. So let me get this straight. With all the things that normally end winter before Dec like: angle of the cold, Siberian snow cover, solar sun spots, the strong weak Nino Nina Santa Maria, SSTs in the bay of fundy, latent heat in the MDR and Ji I NOW have to add in and factor in the jet streak from Dubai AND some dumb snow on Mt PSU?
  4. Got mine done yesterday and finished up the yard leaves. Now I need all my neighbors to clean theirs to keep them off my lawn. And to turn down their music
  5. Happy thanksgiving to everyone! Be safe, eat well, enjoy time with friends and family.
  6. 2.28” total. And every tree that hung onto their leaves gets my RBF face
  7. I am going to sound like a serious Debbie and I apologize to everyone. But the last few years have jaded me so much wrt models and snow. Yeah yeah, I live in a snow hole. MBY sucks for snow. Micro climate they rivals DCA for pathetic snows and marginal events. That said, the amount of hopium already in the LR with it being only Nov just makes me sigh. I just can’t buy in anymore to 180+ hour maps. It literally has to be inside 5 days now to get hype. I wish I wasn’t so jaded. I got a 4x4 in 2021 and I’ve had ONE, one snow event worth using 4 wheel drive. Until I see radar lit, temps under 32 up the column, WSWs hoisted I can’t buy into the drooling that gets most fired up. I still appreciate all the thoughts and knowledge our Mets and veteran posters give us. I learn a ton from y’all. But man, it’s hard to see what the models spit out at times and not say “ain’t falling for this shit again”
  8. 34 and frosty. Nice sunrise tho
  9. BWI: 25” DCA: 12” IAD: 28” RIC: 14” TB: SBY 10” My back yard : 3.2”
  10. 30.0 in the tropics. First freeze came early
  11. Hella windy and leaf blizzard at times. Lack of rain is sucking tho
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