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Everything posted by H2O

  1. it was touch and go NAM was strung out, hot and dry and barren but somehow still delivered
  2. We know. Good thing you never remind us
  3. Thanks for your concern but I’m good.
  4. Gimme one 25 mile jog NW and I won’t ever complain again*** *for 2 days
  5. I made my drink a little bit stiff. Is half the glass too much?
  6. It’s Friday and that means happy hour starts now. Let’s just get this storm home with no sudden dipshit shifts. We all have earned a nice and good snow
  7. You're learning. Props. fist bump
  8. Randy needs to give us a clown "like" option
  9. can we pay for a rating system? Really need to neg posts more than heart or laughy face or participation trophy.
  10. MacChump drive bys are always welcome
  11. when was the last prolonged ice event? This area doesn't do those often or well
  12. I am. Snow is snow and what falls falls
  13. south trend shall now begin. Or actually a stationary trend is fine.
  14. It can snow there too. Happened in a movie once.
  15. @WinterWxLuvr You are trying to hard. Not sure you need to say it every post now.
  16. that should make it impossible to snow sunday
  17. so short duration. lots of white. easy cleanup
  18. And too many cars on the weekend
  19. gasoline and a match next time
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