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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Roasting at 33.2/31 lots of dripping
  2. I'm afraid to look at the 850 meso maps. Someone do it and let me know how just under DC looks.
  3. It's an observation thread. No rules were announced. Chill
  4. We are in red flag conditions. We need a tropical system to help. Oh wait. Thats coming this weekend
  5. All my mixed precipitation melted!!!!!! Can I get a refund? Amazon take back bad products? I want to write a review of Mother Nature. 1 star at best
  6. 33.5/32g sat fat I had a slice of lemon cake and an apple fritter Its doing something outside. Stopped looking
  7. It’s actually a nice burst of snow right now
  8. Got some globby flakes and rain
  9. I have a patio and it’s clean. It’s got a nice carpet. Short weave
  10. You know...for being between the two snow cheeks things got wiped really clean. Not even a single streak or dingle. It’s Charmin hiney clean
  11. Legit obs: 42/30 a couple sprinkles and flurries on the way home
  12. When eskimo joe starts posting meso maps showing torcher 850s slamming up to DuPont Circle then i know the goose is cooked.
  13. weather obs: temps for it to rain and a crow was staring at me angrily
  14. send me snow and i'll send donuts. chop chop
  15. My second number refers to number of donuts eaten thanks to no snow.
  16. Well seeing as how the first wave set the table for the second, watching how that one played out mattered more than the second. Clearly the euro isn't doing as good a job as people have come to expect. No one controls weather. This will be another miss x2, one north and one south. It is what it is. And meanwhile those that get snow will get snow. I know my climo, I know what it takes to get snow here. My concerns will often be very different from yours and I don't always articulate them every storm. While snow is very IMBY for most I don't care to win the most snow every storm. I just want to be at the table and that is getting more and more difficult given changing conditions. So now its to enjoy the snow that falls for my friends and commiserate with those that also miss. Appreciate you
  17. dreary clouds, middling temps, annoying hangnail
  18. The king is dead, long live the king
  19. Those west trends will piss off the narwhals
  20. Needed this to follow him around the complex
  21. Yup. Now we have salt for the orifice
  22. Thats such a douche move. Dude is lucky he didn't come out the next day and see his tires suddenly lost air
  23. Even the ocean gets less fringing than PSU
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