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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Its a feel good story but Rivera wants his own players and I don't blame him. I doubt any other team takes a chance with Smith.
  2. front just hit here at work
  3. Lets have a seasonal March for a change. 50s sounds glorious
  4. Zima That was the 90s version of these popular seltzers and hard drinks
  5. My dad would let me take sips of his beer then I was a kid First full on drinking experience was wine coolers(gross as hell when I look back on it), mostly beer during HS. Grain alcohol was popular as well. I've even had moonshine. Peach flavored. Now its gin, rum and good bourbon.
  6. Not sure I can remember 3 days in a row of almost constant rain
  7. Reading these post makes me feel better about my age. Some old farts up in here
  8. There needs to be a reaper for the tropical season. its not fair to only have it for snow.
  9. Won't matter. Just like winter, DC will have a Cat 1 go west and a Cat 2 go east within a week just like the two snow storms did. #stillbitter
  10. This is awesome!! Great job and thank you for doing!!
  11. Stop with the shutting things down stuff. You don't argue religion at a kids bday party. you don't argue politics at a wedding. There are places to do that. This is all we are saying. you can have these convos. Just do it elsewhere. THATS what Randy is asking. Be aware of the setting.
  12. Did it snow back then? Do you think Oooog the Neanderthal man got mad at Orrrrg if he didn't cave draw about day 6 snow when the sun got high enough in the sky?
  13. Why do you need to have discussions that end up pissing people off and making enemies? I am 100% sure if that first damn thread was NEVER allowed in the first place some people would still be posting. No. We tried to let things run their course and what happened was more arguing and eventually it got political and nasty. Randy has ALWAYS stressed that wx side is wx side and the slight banter is meant to allow for fun and lighthearted non wx talk. Upsetting people shouldn't be the goal here. Effing weather does that enough with many here.
  14. Hey, my mom got her second covid shot this past sunday and had no side effects. And she's 79. Wooooo See, a covid post that isn't political. WOW it can be done
  15. yes. Everything you discuss is political. Good argument
  16. Take it to PM if typing another web address is just too hard for you
  17. The mudman was the price of admission
  18. I got snookered into joining and was really just trying to help because the board was short staffed. And the role I took on was supposed to be lazy and easy. Little did I know we chose to do some things that made it a lot more time consuming. Add in the stuff from last year and it got to be too much. I decided to step down for my own sanity. I see what our team rep has to deal with and I swear that friend is a saint. I don't know how she does it. I'd erupt on some parents. They just turn into some of the nastiest people on earth if they don't get their way. As far as helping during meets I think I have done every job other than S&T, Ref and starter. Not even sure why I took over Chief Timer. oh I know why. Working a grill during a B meet in the middle of summer sucked. Especially after a day at work.....where I work outside.....all day.....yeah. I'd ask more about the pool you belong to and the one I belong to as I think we may have crossed paths. Probably better to do via PM. Also might try to suggest a gtg for some of us snow anus denizens. There seems to be about 4-5 of us locals all within a short distance of each other. You, me, @mattie g @GATECH and @WeatherShak
  19. this is a giving up on winter post
  20. I was on the board of the pool we belong to and I'll tell you that it was one of the most miserable experiences of my life. Just trying to salvage a pool season in the midst of a pandemic wasn't easy. Then you had the complainers. OMG. the selfishness exhibited by some was unreal. I too am glad it looks like summer swim will be back and my girls will be a part of the pool swim team. i don't expect it to be like it has been but I'll take something over nothing. And I am chief timer for our meets. Only sucky part is not being allowed to cheer my kids during A meets.
  21. Spring is when people start getting pools ready
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