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Everything posted by H2O

  1. And replying to the posts where I was called out lets me have that pic on two pages for y'all to enjoy
  2. If what I share has made it onto the internet then it CANNOT be bad. the internet would NEVER allow bad things to get posted. And my sharing of food is spreading light. Culinary light. If I washed that down with Miller Lite it would probably make the Miller Lite taste better.
  3. You silly. CT doesn’t get tropical
  4. I’ll visit you to see them
  5. I would need to have 3 tall boy Miller Lytes to equal the abv of your one Kikkoman
  6. I think that Pfizer shot messed with your head. Microchip made by cicadas
  7. That’s Miller Lite. Please get the watered down American Pilsner correct
  8. I'm trying not to say all the things that could be said about that story. It just leaves so many questions. How? Why? Were showers in the forecast? was it like being at a Gallagher comedy show? Is there now a name for that water attraction? ok I'll stop
  9. It was being held for a loooooooong time to have that kind of pressure. Lots of seltzers do that.
  10. Wine in a box isn't really wine. Its more grape juice than wine. Kids drink grape juice out of boxes. Speaking of JUICE. I hope that grape juice doesn't get sprayed 12 FEET.
  11. You are a penguins fan. Your opinion is null and void
  12. Its his choice. But if I can reduce the number of things that might kill me for free I'll gladly do that. I've almost been run over, had to work on a 80ft tall dam with a flimsy cable to attach to, ticks, black widows, angry customers, and loose dogs. Getting a shot is a no brainer
  13. you don't even have to pay for entertainment like this. Its free!!
  14. I'd drink it if it was in a tall boy
  15. I'm talking about those seltzers you inhale these days. Its basically a Fruit2O with a little bit of fizz and alcohol. And it was as recently as Sunday, thankyouverymuch
  16. That day doesn't exist.
  17. Flavored Zima fizzy water drinker trying to troll me here folks Its as if you came over and called my drapes ugly. Sir, I cannot let a slight like that go unanswered
  18. I cannot believe the audacity of some people here.
  19. Snow withdrawal seems to affect some worse than others
  20. I've heard both good and bad with both each type of shot. Really depends on the person. At this point IDGAF what it does to me. Jam that needle anywhere. Yes, anywhere.
  21. Thanks to the help of @mappy I have made an appointment to get my first dose on Friday. THIS FRIDAY!!!!!!!! Finally!!!!!! YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  22. I'll give the county credit for working with what they have been given as far as weekly doses. I would go into more detail but some of the rollout hasn't been 100% flawless. How they classified some people into the groups and who has been able to game the system has held some stuff up for people waiting as they have been told to. And now the state jumps from 1b to group 2 almost immediately. I've been 1c and they only let my group sign up as of yesterday. The wait has been frustrating given my employment.
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