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Everything posted by H2O

  1. really starting to wonder why they keep checking in on us. Its not like we are doing things to prove we are intelligent life. All they have to do is check Rex Chapman's twitter feed to see all the stupid stuff humans do every day.
  2. Was surprised how windy it was yesterday and now have to get ready for more wind
  3. They don't have iPhones. They def don't know better than us
  4. scared the shyt out of me
  5. Given how warm I am during winter you'd think cicadas would be out year round these days IMBY. My soil temp never dips below 50F I bet. In February.
  6. I hate this pic because of all that snow on the ground
  7. Carpenter bee trap update: 5 bees Kinda shocked at that many
  8. Better than no vax and running MS-DOS
  9. Given how shot 1 hit me i'm hoping shot 2 will have less effect. Doesn't matter tho It didn't last for days and it let me know it was working. I'm already gushing spike proteins. i can feel them flowing around looking for the best wi-fi connection until the next best GPS satellite comes around. Hi, Bill Gates!! Windows is the best OS!!!!
  10. Shot 1 of Moderna last friday and I had Covid arm. A red rash area around where I got the shot. And it hurt a bit for a day or so. All the discomfort I'll gladly take just to be protected better.
  11. Twice!! This mornings nice drive and now the excursion this afternoon!! So much music in celebration once you get poked!
  12. Thats really great! Happy they had times for later today and you get JABBED!!! Wooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!
  13. Its not that surprising. I have watched my teenage kids not move an inch for hours while staring at Tik Toks. So cicadas doing the same for years seems normal.
  14. Not sure if the carpenter bee trap would work with them but maybe worth a try? I got a couple a Lowes at Beacon Hill.
  15. The kids hate them and with them spending more time sitting outside they asked if I could get rid of them. War declared.
  16. I've had a carpenter bee issue with my back porch the last couple years. Went and got a couple traps and hung them Saturday. Didn't get any. Went around and sealed up the holes they made in the wood cover yesterday. A couple hours later I nabbed 3 in one trap alone. Hoping to get a few more in the other one.
  17. Glad we didn't get Hall. He's a bust
  18. Feeling fine here too after shot 1 of Moderna. Slight soreness where they did the shot but that’s it
  19. I just read an article saying that it won’t affect the vax but it’s not recommended because it can make any side effects worse. And it’s just until those go away
  20. Is it safe to drink booze the day of getting the shot? I wanna fricken celebrate
  21. First shot done!!!!!! Wait four weeks and it will be complete! I’m getting some weird signals in my head and there was a drone following me home. Should I be worried?
  22. Thats the one I used to get the one I have for today. It was @mappy who found it and sent it to me.
  23. How long after you get the shot can you change the radio channel with just your mind? I hear that the vax gives you new abilities once connected to the internet with the 5G chip.
  24. Sorry. I should have put JAB THE ME!!!
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