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Everything posted by H2O

  1. Into the breach one last time. Final swim meet and swim team fatigue is 10/10. After today I get my weekends back.
  2. More wx like this for Aug please plus rain
  3. Missed the first ones. Those have the slower lower lined up. Hoping a couple more will come later
  4. Thank you! I won’t bother inviting an alpha to a beta retirement party. He has sushi to fillet. 8 years will get done and then you can enjoy the high life. I’m super lucky to be able to and wish everyone could.
  5. Go to a Hard Times cafe. Lots of smoke in there
  6. Me: this smoke might help our snow in winter Ji: this smoke will ruin our winter
  7. I have to tell others who think I have time to fix stuff they want fixed
  8. Dude. Dude dude. Our B meet last night was a joke. Didn’t finish until 9:30. Coaches were pissed. Team reps were pissed. Lots of just tired and frustrated volunteers. Tons of bratty kids being loud. Lots of rude ass parents complaining about everything. My voice is shot from having to yell and speak over the noise. Never again do I want to do that type of meet. Now I have to nurse my vocal chords because I will be working the Divisionals Im supposed to be retired. Lol
  9. Still warm out. Prolly crack 90 here. Yay. Last B meet will be warm.
  10. No complaints about today. Great pool weather
  11. It hasn’t done dick here
  12. Got done with our last A meet around 11:30. It was brutal out on the deck. One coach got heat exhaustion
  13. I’m so sorry this happened. May he Rest In Peace
  14. It used to be H2Omaker. But didn't have the flow I wanted so changed it. Get it? Flow? Water? I need to retire my dad jokes. I will always be waterboy no matter how old I get.
  15. Weak ass reply. And thats what makes it more funny. you keep thinking I work for a municipality. Nope. Zero tax dollars fund the company. Revenue is all from sales of water. you flush, you pay. Still misinformed after all these years. That snowbank affected your brain.
  16. Thank you!!!!!! Sitting here at my desk one last time at the office I've been coming to for so many years. I'm reflecting on all the memories I have and will keep from this place. Lots of ups and downs, laughs and cries, moments that I will cherish forever. Retiring at 50 is something not many get to do and I'm so lucky. And while its sad in many ways, to leave friends and coworkers that I've known for 2 decades, its also a celebration. A chance to look back at all the things I did and was a part of to make my workplace succeed. Some here have figured out where I work and I know you do. i tried to not say where out of concern over people coming at me by using my employer. But now I dont' really care. I work(ed) for Fairfax Water. The NoVa water utility that supplies most of the water for the Va part of the DC area. Over 1.4 million people I think is the last number. I have been associated with them since 1990. Full times since Dec 1993. The last 24 years I've worked as a surveyor. This job had me working outdoors in all sorts of conditions. Rain, snow, heat, cold. Hence my love for weather and stumbling on this place(EasternWx) back in 2006ish. My workplace has provided me so many good things that I am thankful for. The benefits, education, salary all helped me get the things in life most everyone hopes to. And I am grateful for it. Its been a long time coming and I've earned the right to walk away now and go enjoy the next chapter in my life. And thats what this is. I say goodbye to my employment here but I also say hello to a new phase in my life. I get to go do things I missed out on. And it will be fun. I'm still gonna be here posting and being a goofball. So I welcome everyone here to join in on the fun and I am more than happy to go hang out with y'all anytime anywhere. This gonna be fun!!!!
  17. post inappropriate ones too. IDGAF. lol
  18. Chief Timer of all the lands and the Lord Humangous of B meets
  19. Just wanted to drop by and let @Jonger know some good personal news. This shitplant worker is retiring tomorrow. No more scooping turds and having coworkers heckle me while at the water cooler. I get to enjoy something you won't. its called a pension. And it will pay me more in retirement than if I kept working. And it won't be going anywhere cause the pension lasts as long as the shitplant lasts. And given the amount of poo people you support like to generate it will be around for forever. Here's the other thing, Captain Gorton's beer battered fish sticks, I just turned 50. So I get to enjoy many many years of retirement. I'll be enjoying life and you will smell like squid bait and be slinging prawns for years to come. Hell, I might even buy some of your sashimi grade cod with my pension money. That glorious non taxpayer funded pension money. And my retirement fund. And my social security supplement. That I get monthly. All while living diabeetus free. Some will read this and wonder why I'm coming in here to post this. Its because for years on another board Jonger liked to joke and make fun of my job because he's: A) jelly b) Jelly and I'm better looking C) hates the idea people can work hard and retire before him D) also hate on people who work for a place that benefits society and be an essential industry. E) sucks at snowmobiling So he's earned this post from me. And I keep my pension regardless of marital status
  20. Speaking of retirement. Tomorrow is my last day. Then
  21. mattie G: "its *checks calendar* july"
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