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Everything posted by H2O

  1. As long as they have beer I’m good
  2. All that rain I missed to my East made for a nice yellow sky
  3. H2O

    Winter 2021-22

    We need to pin this thread now
  4. Not as bad as chigger bites but damn if it was a bit unpleasant the day or so after
  5. I prefer the talent we have here with EJ and Vice Regent
  6. The things you see when you step out of the comfort of the Mid-Atlantic forum.
  7. This one gonna sneak up on us. If it avoids the shredders it has a good environment to grow
  8. Growing up it was always school started right after Labor Day. Then VA did away with the Kings Dominion rule and that opened things up to stuff starting before Labor Day. two weeks before is a bit much but too many parents were complaining about school not ending until mid-late June. So here we are.
  9. Atlantic ridge gotta do it’s thing for us to have a chance
  10. Exercised, cut grass and power washed one side of the house. It’s beer time.
  11. That pic is against board rules. Reported for deliciousness
  12. Made pancakes and sausage here too!!
  13. I'll leave my grill out. And car windows open
  14. Just ruined the rain chances. Mowed the back yard so cut precip totals in half
  15. Back after a few days at the eastern shore. Never a bad time down there and got to spend it with one of my kids who is the greatest troll. Now let’s see if it rains
  16. Other than waiting for tropical stuff August is a hella boring month wx wise
  17. How about “hello, my name is Walking Tacos.”?
  18. Oh man. The stuff I know about how the top few divisions act and behave. Those pools are….something. And I have had a TON of similar experiences with not just those pools but many more commenting on how my pool looks compared to theirs. We are blue collar and not frilly. Our dues reflect our people. We don’t pay thousands per year like some do. The climb we have had the last few years to go from div 16 to where we are now has exposed us to the flat out ugliness and snobbery the “rich” pools feel entitled to share with others they don’t see as worthy
  19. Not this year. We just went to support friends and hang out. My youngest has been twice tho.
  20. Missed the stuff last night but had .4” for the day.
  21. Coming to ask DMV people about how to get snow in a snowless area is like asking the Orioles to win the WS this year
  22. That was my fear as plans for spending a few days on the slower lower are in doubt for the whole fam
  23. Was a very nice morning to watch NVSL allstars and then spend 2 hours mowing weeds and hay this afternoon
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