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Everything posted by H2O

  1. I’ll politely disagree since you can get nice snows with meager precip if it’s cold enough. And by nice I mean a 3” snow with temps in the 20s and only needing .10-.20”precip
  2. Sleet Ride Melty the Snowman Baby It’s Warm Outside I Saw Mommy Hugging the Euro
  3. Away in a mangled flakes
  4. And you will get those! I am trying to make a 300’ extension pole with a GoPro on it to see mangled flakes before they melt down here. It will put me in a Happy Hotildays mood for Torchcember. Love listening to We Wish You a Merry Hotmas and Snow Hole-y Night
  5. We could have had a HECS if he stayed with his original date. Now it’s making yoda meh. *I’m just messing with him
  6. Storm looks like a dud now so I’m blaming @North Balti Zen
  7. I just put the leaf shovel away for the season too. We could see drifts up to 3’ of leaves. I hope the stores don’t run out of milk, bread and those paper leaf bags.
  8. I was saving that for next week when we get NAM'd. But now its ruined
  9. Do I need to remind you of my last two winter snow totals. The booze is the ointment for the chapped ass of so much snow not happening.
  10. We start at 6:30 so its not against you
  11. This is my first HS meet so I need to get a feel of how things go before I make a cup of adult colored tea
  12. Got my freshman kid doing her first meet tonight. These Friday night meets gonna crush my cocktail hours. 6-9pm is drinky time usually.
  13. it’s not that bad. The discounts are nice
  14. If you have fallen asleep on a sofa or told your kid to put on warmer clothes you are an old
  15. That means storm mode threads and fauquier closed all next week
  16. Its because we are the best for wind in winter. The one weather phenomenon we CAN get around here regardless of NAO, PNA, MJO, Strat, Himalayan bird fart chaos theory.
  17. Yeah but my meme game is strong. And now I have freedom to chase snow. After I drop kids off at school(not a poo joke)
  18. What’s that? I thought snowflakes only exist in movies and far off lands
  19. It looks like an ice cream sprinkle
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