I don’t see why it’s so fucking hard to respect Randy and the admins and staff who just want the weather side to be free of the toxic shit. Goddamn. Stop making it hard on the people who provide a place for people who love weather to shoot the shit
I don’t care. The policy has been this way for years. Everyone else can manage keeping it out of the wx side but you insist on being a dick about it. It’s not helping the people that run this place and try to keep things chill between everyone.
being a dick when you are asked not to be is on you
Then go somewhere else. It’s a fucking weather board. Go rant somewhere else. Your arrogance is ridiculous. Attacking mappy just shows how much of an asshole you are
I hate shitting on people's love for looking at LR models and seeing windows for snow.....but after the PSU debacle failstorm and the models saying FU x100, how can anyone look at things beyond 5 days?
Thats like when i had a chance to get apple stock back in the 80s. And also when I could have had Standard Oil stock too. Also missed out on the California Gold Rush.
30.5/9 roads have not caved
Sorry, yall. Been out of the loop for a day. Just need to ask that we are NOT getting the storm we were told we were getting?
Cant believe it might be true