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Everything posted by JKEisMan

  1. What is his point -- cancel winter? why does he live in NH?
  2. Sorry it’s late but we had 2.5” at elevation in northern part of New Fairfield, near Sherman (so pretty consistent with this map). Brings me to 11” on the season.
  3. A nice swath from western SNE all the way up through Maine.
  4. Not sure if it's been posted, but PMM for 12z HREF. Looks pretty healthy, esp east slopes of the Berks and ORH hills.
  5. Just experiencing amazing winter storm in Vienna, Austria. Over 30cm of snow (1 foot+) over the past day and even more in the west of Austria and Bavaria (1.5 foot+). Great for the Christmas spirit at the Christmas markets around town. I’m not sure of any corrrelation, but growing up I remember talking to relatives in Austria about snowstorms and then getting hit with snow 2-3 weeks later in Connecticut. Probably some wishful thinking and biased memories, but here’s hoping I bring some of this back to the states for later in December! Forecast is for more snow here later this week…
  6. 8" New Fairfield (right at the Sherman CT/NY state border), brings me to 27.5 for the season.
  7. Yeah, great discussion as usual. Ryan, do you have a sense for the greatest bust potential, either positive or negative, for CT? Probably around Hartford?
  8. Nice banding in western part of CT. Praying it is right, but same signal is showing up on multiple pieces of guidance it seems so maybe yes?
  9. Not me. I’m actually liking the banding signal out in WCT. Plus I’m at elevation right on the NY state border.
  10. Uh-oh srefs starting to cut back - it’s all downhill from here.
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