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Everything posted by BombsAway1288

  1. I think it's because everyone on here just gave him a pass when I called him out a couple of weeks ago and said "oh well! He's just being silly. He reminds everyone of James with his silly thoughts and extreme outcomes for every storm" or whatever was said. Everyone basically said it was okay then, so he took that as a complement and continued his fantasy antics with events and models of choice.
  2. Logan only to 14 last night. I’m guessing there was a dramatic difference once you moved away from the shoreline even by a mile or two. Would of been interesting to see a wunderground map this morning. If anybody happened to take a screenshot of the regional temps, would love to see it
  3. Sick!! Hoping it gets 1 more inch for the 2 foot mark and be the largest 1 day total in history!
  4. Sounds pretty good all things considered. 15”-18” is a really good storm and nobody should be complaining about it. Most people said they don’t care to Jack anyway so it sounds pretty successful ORH east
  5. Still ripping here despite band dying down. Has to be close to or over 20”
  6. Heaviest of the day here. Just complete poundage. Stuff dreams are made of!
  7. Yeah, don't think it's going to be that high unless the orientation of the radar changes drastically, but 12"-15" is very doable.
  8. Sure it's going to be a bust on the low end but still a very good snowstorm. I'm sure everyone SW of NNJ/NYC would happily sign for that.
  9. I think they have a shot of 2' though. Very doable if this band just continues to sit over.
  10. That's not terrible. Will probably make 12"+ Unless you're forecasted to get 30"-36" by every outlet, a 12"-15" storm should by no means be considered crappy.
  11. Would explain all the damage reported there earlier lol
  12. Absolutely puking snow in Chelsea. Worst blizzard conditions I've seen in the daytime. Easily over 12". Probably closer to 15" by now. Will be a top 5 for Boston area I think.
  13. Starting to get in the meaty part of the death band here. Snow growth has gotten a ton better. Probably pushing a foot.
  14. Anybody have a Weather Channel link for free access? Sorry if it's posted already. Trying to catch up but constantly 9-10 pages back. The posting rate has been like something I've never seen lol.
  15. Yeah seems to be the usual mid-range shenanigans with coastals where they lose the storm then bring it back Think everyone is just extra edgy with how this season has panned out so far with terrible trends for a lot of threats.
  16. Thanks. Sry to waste a whole post on saying that but I can't react to any posts for some reason. Can a mod help me fix that btw? I've been trying to get it fixed for years by sending messages via the Contact Us link at the bottom of the page but never get a response. Not sure what's wrong or if there is some stupid setting I don't have on but it's driving me nuts at this point lol. Please help!
  17. It's just one threat after another (except for 1) trending the wrong way. No reason to think that theme is gonna change this year. If it happens, I'll happily swallow my pride and admit I was wrong but there are just no signs of that happening. Agreed though on a break. Need it for regrouping
  18. At this point, I think I would rather not have any big dog show up on the models. We're only going to get pumped up for it for a couple of cycles only to be completely let down when the eventual rug gets pulled out. Story of this lost season. What a dud. On to April with warmer temps.
  19. Yeah, for the Mid-Atlantic maybe. I get being optimistic, most people are just generally optimistic in everyday life that doesn't involve the weather at all but the writing is on the wall with this. Everything is going to trend away from a MECS in New England. It already has. The only model that had it was the Euro and maybe its ensembles and they have now trended with all the others. No storm here. This winter sucks south of MHT and north of PHL. Just the way it is.
  20. Shocker. I guess we can’t even kick the can. Everything has gone to shit
  21. This is like your 3rd post referencing NYC today. You're in the wrong sub-forum
  22. Anybody have an updated but realistic wind map for tomorrow? About the only thing I'm looking forward to with this POS
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