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Everything posted by BombsAway1288

  1. -5 in Chelsea. Logan has 2 hours to break the daily record. A degree an hour is very doable
  2. Pushing 2” in Chelsea and puking. Roads are a mess. This is gonna be the commute from hell. Good things it’s a post pandemic Monday and not tue wed or thurs or it would be worse
  3. I hope you’re right and had faith too until the last few days with some bleak February posts popping up save for maybe the first 10 days of the month. I never count on March to deliver mainly because arctic cold is a lot tougher to reign in around here compared to Dec, Jan and Feb. It’s been the missing ingredient all season so I don’t expect it to really show up in March either at this point. Hopefully I’m wrong
  4. They won’t be for long. SNE and the rest of the east coast is a different story. This is gonna end up one of the worst winters all time
  5. If that 8.2 in Bos is all from that system I would happily take that in the type of winter we’re having. I think most would agree too
  6. Sleeting moderately in Lowell with a few flakes mixed in
  7. Lol blizzard conditions? Another twitter clown.
  8. A complete shift on the eps from cutter to offshore a week out is a great sign that it won’t be at least cutting. Slider or up the coast are the most likely options at this point
  9. There’s your Thanksgiving weekend nor’easter. Imagine the media hype and travel headaches that would cause
  10. Thanks. So basically if a storm and trough are running parallel to each other then they will phase and if they're perpendicular to each other then it will kick it OTS?
  11. How come some troughs can "kick" a storm out to sea as oppose to phase with it like Fiona and Sandy? What is the difference that determines these two outcomes?
  12. Rest of the offensive team is pathetic and incredibly frustrating to watch. They’re going nowhere in October (if they even make it) until that changes.
  13. I think staying away from Providence completely is a wise choice. Still no let up on radar
  14. No end in sight for the same areas in RI and ECT. This could get really bad for them if this continues all evening into tonight.
  15. This doesn’t have its own thread? I mean, we’ve had dedicated threads all summer for fading lines of thunderstorms. Could/should be the biggest event of the season.
  16. Nonsense. We were told that there would be no flooding anywhere from this.
  17. Has this whole idea of a super warm humid week also left us, at least for eastern areas? Serious question. My wunderground forecast went from mid 80’s all later next week to low-mid 70’s with one day at 80 (next Sunday).
  18. So I guess we’re not bbq and burnin on Labor Day? That idea sank faster than my teams 1st place standing. Sad times
  19. Those look beautiful! One of these days my job will allow me to utilize, one day
  20. Why would you not have a hoodie on with low 50 temps? Especially this time of year when our bodies make low 60’s and 50’s feel like winter temps. If you’re not doing any type of active work or working out I guarantee you 99% of people are in hoodies with low 50’s temps.
  21. September is one of the best months. Football begins, baseball in the home stretch. Cooler nights, warm days with the gradual step down from nasty summer to comfy sleeping weather. Sure it doesn’t produce the most prolific storms if there isn’t any tropical action but 75% of the months around here are generally boring the same way. At least we’re heading towards more action as opposed to March/April when we’re just heading to more boredom.
  22. Now that the fun is over, when do we start getting those late summer cool nights going?
  23. Spoke too soon. BOS and eastern quarter of mass getting the split.
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