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Everything posted by BombsAway1288

  1. Gotta think it’s gonna end up at least double that for BOS especially coming at night but I get the conservative approach for now
  2. Bust here for sure. Maybe an inch early on but raining since mid morning and all washed away. Only the solidified ice pack from last Thursday remains
  3. I’d think BOX would extend warnings east to the coast if all the 0z guidance continues the 18z theme. That won’t happen until the 4am packages obviously. Need to keep the heavy rates going for it to be reality as @CoastalWx said
  4. Def rates are the determining factor. Gonna need to be mod-heavy most of the time to reach warning criteria along the CP
  5. Now that would be a positive bust. Nws is 3-4 and wunderground is 2 here. Can’t be taken seriously though unless the other mesos start honking
  6. Birds chirping at 28 with flurries here. I guess it’s an improvement for them from yesterday
  7. Uuuuh yes you have in fact. On top of it you make statements about other posters like you know them, I don’t think they appreciate it. Every storm is a “blizzard” and now you just want everyone to rain out of spite. You’re all over the place. I think you need to take some self induced separation time from this board and come back a new person without all the over the top hyperbole
  8. My god we get it. You don’t want a single flake and to be “annoyed” by a light event. We get it, we get it, we get it! And “at this point”? You’ve been saying that since the models started showing less than 12” with this. Think you need to just stop looking at the models and come back on Wednesday to see how the 3/4 is or isn’t developing
  9. This is still a 6” storm? Judging by the last page of posts by the usual suspects you’d think a Rainer is on the way. Yikes.
  10. I think at this point the ceiling is 10”-12” even with a decent CCB. Still a good storm and great by this years standards
  11. How does the result of the 28th system impact the 4th, if any?
  12. You’re out of your mind sir. No reason for me to be banned. You’re the only one on the chopping block and you did it to yourself. Good luck
  13. What’s the over under for getting this guy banned? 12” BOS-ORH?
  14. Despite rates earlier, roads are pretty messy with a couple of inches of snow/sleet. Peltfest now
  15. Rates are crap here. Maybe we can squeeze out an inch before the changeover?
  16. BOX is very unimpressed with this. Has nothing (snow and ice) inside 128, less then 1” 495 including ORH and 1-2 up the border.
  17. So you’re so upset by an off your meds comment yet you want to use violence against me? Lol. This place really is great. This is just clogging everything up. Mods please delete all this nonsense, mine included. I’m done on this subject.
  18. It wasn’t meant to make fun of, it was a comparison. Please don’t bring out the PC crap and turn it into that. Take that stuff elsewhere
  19. Weren’t you just posting no even 12 hours ago about how much rain was coming and that you were done with this winter? Now you’re back to your old ways with these neurotic posts. Get back on the bi-polar meds, George and quit posting crap like this until there’s multi model consensus inside of 3 days, please
  20. Because he’s one of the many posters down there that are obsessed with Boston/SNE weather in the winter. If they’re missing out the next focus is on here, hoping that we get screwed too. It’s very much a jealousy thing. I know cause I used to be one. Would never come in here and throw it in your faces though like these guys do. Pretty childish.
  21. Big dog potential on the back end of that blocky look. Think everyone (save for a few aforementioned posters) would sign for that then call it quits. Step 1 is to get that look to verify to begin with. Looooong ways to go
  22. Looks good for now. Omega and tblizz gone for now, will return if 00z takes a step back.
  23. It’s a week out. News forecasts can vary greatly at that lead time, really any forecast can vary greatly that far out. Not that odd.
  24. Work for Commuter rail. The amount of issues on Saturday morning were like nothing the infrastructure has ever seen before. Multiple signals just stopped working, hundreds of frozen switches, crossing gates not operating and the worst of them all- broken rails everywhere. About 75% of service on Saturday had to be canceled or had severe delays (more than 30min late). Afternoon improved as issues were fixed and things stated thawing (being able to operate in regular cold) but there were residual issue until Monday morning. Waaaay more problematic than a snowstorm/blizzard or any type of record heat. Truly a once in a generation event
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