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Posts posted by BombsAway1288

  1. Pure insanity today with this. As a diehard Jets fan, I am quietly enjoying the fact that there is more controversy around the Patriots for this. Say goodbye to Kraft being at Gillette to raise banner 6.

    On the other side of this, the human trafficking involvement is disturbing and a terrible thing for him to be involved in.

    1 hour ago, wxsniss said:

    TMZ reporting that the video of all the guys shows ejaculation and cleanup.

    If the whole thing is true --- and I'm still clinging to the IF because we've seen other fake news get blown up this week --- what an idiot.

    I think it's fair for Brady Belichik etc to feel betrayed. You know the world is hoping to take your team down, so why do something so foolish.

    A billionaire looking for a $79 trashy fix that he could easily get more discreetly. He overpaid to build the stadium, tons of philanthropy... he's not cheap. Either he really has dementia or it's some weird fetish.

    And yeah... if this were the owner of just about any other NFL team, nobody would care.

    Apparently this place where the dirty deeds were being was a complete dump and borderline inhabitable. It wasn't even slightly clean. Very strange that he would get himself caught up in it, not just one but twice!

  2. I find it very interesting that Kraft says he "categorically did not do anything wrong" while the police say that they have video of the act being performed.

    Should be interesting!

    Also, why in the world is this billionaire going to a very public "day spa" where it only costs $80 to get your jollies off. If I were him I would of paid the $500 or whatever it is to have a high-end escort service come to his house? What a cheapass and an idiot

  3. 3 hours ago, CoastalWx said:

    It’s completely embarrassing for him and the team for that matter, but a happy ending at an Asian massage parlor is night end day from the stuff going on. A 78 yr old going for something extra certainly pales in comparison to beating the shit out of your significant other, and then getting a 30 mil contract. The name obviously drives the attention. 

    Except when human trafficking is involved and the women were being held against their will in deplorable conditions which is what is being reported.

  4. 8 minutes ago, BombsAway1288 said:

    Yeah this is going to bust high, at least here on  the water as I was only expecting a a sloppy inch that wouldn't accumulate due to crappy rates. Over 1" here already. As others have said, it'll be a race to the changover

    Maybe it won't bust as high as I thought in terms of the NWS. I was going off one local forecast I saw on TV. Didn't even look at NWS until now

  5. 7 minutes ago, wxsniss said:

    Also as anticipated, KBOS futility race is officially done:

    Snow totals at our climate sites as of midnight:
    Providence -> 1.0"
    Worcester -> 1.0"
    Boston -> 0.8"
    Hartford -> 0.7"

    Yeah this is going to bust high, at least here on  the water as I was only expecting a a sloppy inch that wouldn't accumulate due to crappy rates. Over 1" here already. As others have said, it'll be a race to the changover

  6. 2 hours ago, snowman19 said:

    Karma. 1-2 inches total for the entire NYC metro area. I barely got 1.5” up here, less for NYC. Looks like I was right. :-) Pouring rain for the last 2 hours and lots of melt with the little that fell. I was just outside doing an Irish square dance in the rain, it’s a beautiful, wonderful thing 


    2 hours ago, SnowGoose69 said:

    Upton verifies fine in all likelihood if the subsistent zone doesn’t come across.  The radar looked very good til that occurred and it’s hard to believe we don’t get 3-5 inches if that doesn’t happen  


    On another note, this thing is going to overperform here on the water in Boston. 1" down with a heavy, filled-in radar back to the SW.

  7. 5 hours ago, yoda said:

    Euro says what storm lol as its out to sea

    Go back to the Mid-Atlantic forum. Don't you have to go track those 6"-8" that LWX had out yesterday for DC instead of coming in here to comment on a D8 fantasy storm that of course is going to change run-to-run being that far out?

  8. 9 hours ago, BrianW said:

    I was checking out flightradar24.com before and flights east to Europe are hauling. Some 750+ ground speeds.  Also, noticed most of the NYC Europe flights are flying out east well south of Long Island instead of their normal routes. I guess to take advantage of the insane tailwinds? 

    Yes, in fact even the flights coming from the West Coast going to Europe were flying over PA and south of LI instead their normal route which basically goes up into Northern Central Canada and over the arctic. That's some detour to take advantage of the jetstreak. Numbers must have been like some pilots have ever seen

  9. 13 hours ago, snowman19 said:

    What? 1-3 inches is more than reasonable for tomorrow. 2 inch per hour rates? Stop, nothing supports that. Before you go criticizing Upton and Mt. Holly for their forecasts, you need to get your info straight. No one in the metro is getting 6 inches out of this and very likely not any more than 3 inches at the most. As to your other post, this is a completely, totally different setup and storm than November, like not even remotely close, besides the time of day

    Thoughts on Upton's forecast map this morning now? They seem to be going a lot higher now than what you were saying yesterday. Looks like they got their info straight now. Thoughts? :whistle:

    • Like 2
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  10. 11 minutes ago, Brian5671 said:

    The pattern has been awful all winter.   That's a factor.  The EPS has also been awful.    Any other questions?

    It's been a frustrating winter for the East Coast outside the mountains, I know it's annoying to keep seeing "good patterns" in the long-range but seeing a beast show up like that inside of D10 is one of the more encouraging things I've seen all winter, even if it is one run so far. Usually with the big coastal's we'll see them pop up on runs about now if they're going to happen. It's encouraging in many ways is all I'm trying to say.

    If these threats in the next two weeks don't pan out though, I'd say it's time to move on to Spring. We'll see.

  11. 33 minutes ago, tamarack said:

    Another NNJ transplant!  Though we got here 44+ years earlier so I could attend U. Maine.  We came from northern Morris County in the well-forested Jersey Highlands, where snowfall ran about 40"/year (and 50-60 in the 1960s.)

    Ahhh yes the Highlands. Beautiful area ans one of the best places there for storms as it's close enough to the coast for the moisture but not too far inland. I would only say that Northern Sussex and Passaic Counties (West Milford) are better for snow but only because of elevation. Sadly, I'm from Northeastern Bergen County so marginal events weren't my favorite. Averaged about 30-35/yr when I grew up there

  12. 2 minutes ago, tamarack said:

    I was watching my flight radar app last night as some of the planes flying to Europe or just headed east towards the East Coast were showing ground speeds in excess of 750mph. That's unheard. Conversely, flights headed west from Boston were at speeds of only 300-350mph at 38,000ft. That's one hell of a tail wind and head wind respectively 

    When we flew from Tokyo to SFO (great circle route) in March 2016, the seatback tracker showed ground speeds up to 800 mph as we were passing closest to the Aleutians.  Heading west ten days earlier (CHI-HNL) ground speeds averaged 450 and were lower at times.

    You must have flown with a super fast jet streak with that flight also.

    Pilots were really taking advantge of the extreme jet stream last night as flights from the West Coast going to Europe were flying over Southern New England to catch the heavy tail winds instead of taking the Great Circle Route up through Central Canada like they usually do. Interesting stuff

  13. Just now, Hoth said:

    Geez, totally missed how fast the jet is upstairs right now. Screaming along.

    I was watching my flight radar app last night as some of the planes flying to Europe or just headed east towards the East Coast were showing ground speeds in excess of 750mph. That's unheard. Conversely, flights headed west from Boston were at speeds of only 300-350mph at 38,000ft. That's one hell of a tail wind and head wind respectively 

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  14. 2 hours ago, yoda said:

    Can you guys take @BombsAway1288 back please?  Thanks

    I responded to a comment by one of your posters with   "Yeah, less qpf and warmer if anything from yesterday. NWS is going to bust hard with that ridiculously overzealous map they started way too high with. Good rule of thumb, especially in these CAD/marginal temp situations is to start low and take em up the closer you get as need be. Not the other way around as the public now has the wrong idea in their heads. :facepalm:"   and I got attacked by everyone.

    I even left a good luck message in the storm mode thread last night. I was just trying to remind everyone of the north trend/faster ML warmth in these storms this year because some people were going bonkers with the silly snow maps and LWX numbers.  You guys are brutal. I was rooting for DC to get 6" being the last 3 years have been crap down there but now I hope you get 1"-3" that just washes and melts away the next day anyway.

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