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Everything posted by BombsAway1288

  1. They don't believe me. Will send pic and attempt to post on here.
  2. Relocate or just visiting family/friends/work?
  3. Ratio’s through the roof in this last band. Awesome last 36-40 hours of just snow falling. Even if most of it fell today.
  4. 4.5" here. Hoping that last band pushes us over 5". Logan should report between 3"-4" going by their last report. We've had steady OES pretty much all afternoon
  5. 3.5” in Eastie and coming down pretty good. Should easily break 4” and maybe 5”
  6. I measured about 2.4" around 1045 and been coming down in spurts thanks the OES. Could easily see BOS getting to 4"-5" if the RAP has any merit.
  7. I'll happily take that. Immediate coastline has been getting the screw job all of 2021 with the east flow events
  8. Yeah that's insane but pretty cool at the same time. A lot of cities are going smash their low-max and low temps
  9. BOS on par with NYC this year and was 7 miles away from being up in the CON range. ORH also having a great year so far, shocking I know. @ORH_wxman Is a 31" difference between BOS and ORH pretty big? What's the most? and has it ever been reversed, BOS>ORH?
  10. Yeah the GFS and Euro both still have the juiced system. Only difference is the Euro is a little slower getting it here and more tucked into the coast. Looks like we're going to battle the R/S line on this this one.
  11. A little ice is ok as long as treated with caution. Yes .5" of accretion will bring down limbs and powerlines but even .10" of ice can cause big issues if it's not taken seriously like what happened in Fort Worth today. Think they had very little ice there this morning but because it was on an overpass, it caused big problems
  12. Appreciate the words of wisdom. Def a reasonable place to start that could be feasible for me and my GF. Paying rent is the absolute worst as, like you said, is just like throwing money down the crapper every month. That's one thing I always mention to someone who I hear bitching/complaining about making their mortgage payment every month, "It's an investment and eventually an asset, unlike paying rent".
  13. You're right, I guess it's not really amazing. It's sad and scary actually. So is college debt when you have no help. I'm 32, graduated 10 years ago with 6-figure debt and a monthly minimum payment over $1,000. It's like another rent payment. I know I will not be able to buy a home until I'm like 50 and wouldn't be able to afford a giant mortgage. IDK what some of these people are thinking when they do take it out. In over their heads and the folks that approve it are just as guilty and shouldn't be allowed in that profession
  14. Amazing to think that brokers and appraisers are approving people for massive mortgages when their income doesn't justify it after the 06'-08' robosigning debacle. Prepare for another collapse if that's still going on
  15. Yeah surprisingly stacking up now. Close to 2” right on the water and coming down nicely. Roads are getting messy
  16. Woof, rough one for the mets on this one. Looks like a shredded mess. HRRR ftw
  17. 00z GFS is cold and very active throughout the run. Good times ahead!
  18. Sadly there will not be a foot in Boston. At least at Logan. Sticking now but ratio wise it's terrible.
  19. Under the sweet band in Eastie but really not sticking. Car tops are starting to get it but once again, surface temps are killing the coastline. Looks like a March snowfall out there.
  20. Don't think you want it too strong Jimmy. The stronger the storm, the more amped it will be likely. You're sitting pretty right now. Would probably want it a few degrees colder at the onset so when it does wetbulb down, you're not seeing white rain for hours.
  21. Shame this thing is hauling ass. This thing is juiced and could be dropping prolific amounts if it wasn't in a fast flow and slowed down for an extra 6-12 hours. After the last debacle on the immediate coast on Monday, I'll be fully satisfied with 6"-8".
  22. Yeah we aren't very liked in the MA forum. Really, all the other forums too (PHL and especially NYC). There is some kind of cult like weird following from other regional posters about anything BOS when it comes to snow, especially if it's a EMass special storm. They're always comparing and keeping up to date with what BOS is forecasted and the final total. Think the run in 2015 was the final nail in the coffin in terms of everyone outside of NE hating NE and BOS.
  23. You'll emerge in late March to a deep pack and cashing in on some elevation dependent storm while we 40 and rain south of the Whites. We'll enjoy this one, then be more jealous.
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