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Everything posted by BombsAway1288

  1. Probably closer to reality, at least in the eastern third of Mass. What a disaster. Congrats PIT. Can't remember the last time they jacked in an EC storm
  2. If that includes sleet then take the Worcester Co. numbers down otherwise a marked improvement from the last days worth of cycles. Still think the GFS leads the way on this one though. A crap event for mid-Jan with near 0 temps 24 hours prior. Hopefully the wind delivers here somewhat cause everything else is a lost cause.
  3. I think we all are but it’s probably not happening. At this point we might as well hope for it to be in the best possible spot to somehow help downstream for any other threat. That might be a lost cause too. Lights out
  4. Yikes. Expect the Euro to be similar. Not a great 0z suite but better than the 12z I guess It’s everything vs. GEFS
  5. Kind of took the useless post to heart when you put it that way. it's all good, like you, was speaking in frustration. Hopefully a plowable front end for everyone, just not a major blizzard
  6. It's delusional is what it is. The grandiose, unrealistic ideas that come with every post is nuts. Getting the NAV out of your top 3 would be a good start to reform
  7. Thank you, I will keep looking at the GFS. Pretty good model. You know damn well that if it did show a BM track with a "blizzard" to the coast you would be all over posting about how good it's been since its upgrade and how that'll be the final solution. You're right, liking them doesn't make you child but saying that they're gonna happen with EVERY SINGLE piece of energy that exits the east coast, just like you do, does in fact make you a child. I remember being in middle school too, hearing a storm of some sort was on the horizon and thinking "wow! major blizzard!!!!!" These were my thoughts as a 12 y/o and obviously this is how you think now at whatever age you're at. Sad. Here's some advice for you, grow up and get a grip!
  8. Exactly what I was trying to say. Really big snowstorm? Maybe. Blizzard? Not happening and shouldn't be thrown around here like it's even a 50/50 chance of happening at this point
  9. My god with the ridiculous hyperbole. There is not going to be a "monster blizzard" anywhere in NE. Give it rest already. You must be like 13 y/o or something
  10. As he shouldn't be in this type of storm apparently. No reason to not follow the GFS op. It has led the way WRT the other models up until this point. They all follow the GFS. Kind of been like that for a while now anyway. If the op makes a major move east then I guess we would be back in the heavy snow game but for now, it's lights out for this "threat".
  11. No but things are contradicting. Are we to use the ens at this lead time for this type of storm or not?
  12. We were told the ens were utterly useless for this type of storm. Don't think we should be getting excited cause they're not running over central PA. Can't have it both ways when they suddenly jack ones backyard
  13. OTS is a real concern for the Monday event. Heck, it's a real concern for all the threats.
  14. It wasn't. High was 41 with only about 18 hours above freezing and overcast all day. Amazing how quickly it all went yesterday. Shows how fluffy it was. It compacted pretty good and quickly on Friday-Saturday, then the dews took care of the rest on Sunday I guess. Fastest I've seen 10" vanish without extreme high temps
  15. Yeah, it's a perfect job for a retiree that wants to stay active and is awake super early anyway. I think the real issue is the pay for a job with a lot of responsibilities. If they offered something like $20/hr then I think staffing issues would be no more.
  16. Bus companies all over the country are severely short staffed, crossing guards too. Hard to entice people when you're only offering ~$15/hr part-time, especially in this expensive area.
  17. Yeah, that's probably more the issue. Good catch. If this happens in 2019 maybe they don't close or just a delay. Was just caught off guard due to not so bad wind chills and temps only down to the single digits and not below 0, at least inside of 128
  18. Boston schools closed for the cold tomorrow I guess in previous years this would be surprising but with today's age of remote learning pushed on us by the pandemic, it's not that surprising.
  19. Snowcover is basically gone in Chelsea despite only 15 hours above freezing maxing out at 41 with overcast all day. 10” basically compacted down to nothing and quick lol
  20. Thanks. Didn't even know this was an issue. LGA was likely closer to 20:1 or less. Still very impressive for being down on the water basically.
  21. We did! . 10.1 final here. Good call @qg_omega
  22. 6in is nothing to be disappointed at and well within your forecast. I'm sure you'll clean up over 95% of SNE by April. Climo FTW for you.
  23. Main roads/highways are in great shape for such a big snowfall. Great positive bust here. Was not expecting to be approaching double digits
  24. Over 9" in Chelsea. Me thinks Logan has to be close to double digits by now and still coming down.
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