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Everything posted by Fozz

  1. Yeah but without the clean block we had in 2016 or 2010, we can’t really get too excited this far out.
  2. This reminds me of February 2007 when we also had the potential for a big time KU snowstorm, but we got a last minute rug pull and it became the memorable VD sleet storm for most of us, with zr a little further south. If I recall, that was also a good but very imperfect setup where we didn’t quite have a clean block in place, so it shifted north and we got mixing.
  3. GFS is now an epic hit for most of us, not suppressed like 0z. 12-18” MECS. Wish we could lock this all up but there’s still a week to go.
  4. tbh since we are in a +NAO, I’d rather be too far north 6 days out than with MECS totals close to the mix line. We’ve got plenty of time. I can’t let superstitions get the best of me. Learned that lesson a month ago.
  5. This will be like the 4th storm in 6 years to do this if the GFS holds
  6. Hah… my only complaint is being in the bullseye this early. We’d take it and run.
  7. I’ve got lots of catching up to do. Is it really going to snow? Ive seen the runs for a MECS next Tuesday and feel doubtful. Is this a legit shot?
  8. If only that sweet MECS wasn’t 300 hrs away
  9. The 0z Euro MECS is the only thing I have to ride my hopes on.
  10. Yeah my point is that when you get fringed in all directions then it sucks a lot more than if it’s just the usual N/W hits. And a lot of us feel exactly how you feel, about wanting something more than just being grateful for advisory amounts or being happy for others.
  11. If that is a real measurement then I wonder if someone in that area will see a full foot of snow. It’s still ripping.
  12. Yep! Being on the outside looking in, and being told to be content with 1-3” while places south or west or north of us get 8-10”, all starts getting old. I don’t know what’s in store for us in the next few weeks, but at some point this has to change course. The light snow from this weekend was nice, especially in time for this cold blast, but I’m not done or ready to call it a winter. I might head to the mountains late this weekend and take Monday off.
  13. That page is about to get a major update. I wonder how high the totals will go. Apparently there is a 7” report somewhere, and makes me wonder if someone in Florida will end up with close to 10” when it’s all done.
  14. That’s gotta be an all time record for all of Florida. Wasn’t the previous record around 4”? Also seen a report of 5.5” in Molino as of 2 hours ago.
  15. Someone in Florida will end up with over 6”. I’ve seen a forecast for 7-8” in Freeport FL, and the radar shows that area getting hammered. Absolutely unreal.
  16. 5.5” in Molino FL as of 2 hours ago. And it’s a cold snow too with temps in the 20s. https://www.weather.gov/source/crh/lsrmap.html?sid=mob I have a feeling the jackpot will be either there or Freeport. Absolutely getting hammered. This is unreal.
  17. Forecasts are now calling for 4-6” for most of the panhandle and as far as I’m aware, 4” is the all time record for Florida. And there’s already an unconfirmed report of 5” in the area. They are in uncharted territory now.
  18. 24 degrees, 15 windchill, and heavy snow in Florida’s panhandle. And the timestamp is around 6:38:00
  19. I tried remembering this one, and now I think this may have been one of the big storms where I was in Canaan/Timberline.
  20. The GFS is showing up to 5-6” of snow on the Florida panhandle, just 2 days from now. This isn’t fantasy range anymore. Would that be an all time record for the state if it happened?
  21. I would've gone to the mountains this weekend if it weren't for family commitments yesterday and some extreme cold tomorrow. Looks like it was an incredible day today. Looks
  22. Yeah same, got exactly the same total. And ditto on the WSW. Doesn’t mean much if this is the end result. We definitely got shafted and once again fell short. Hopefully we truly score at some point this season.
  23. Do you think one led to the other? In other words, did that delay of cold air directly cause the frontogenesis bands to develop well NW of where most models had them?
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