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Everything posted by Fozz

  1. Yeah that run looks great for those of you down south.
  2. It will basically be a repeat of yesterday for me, except it will actually stick to the paved surfaces. That is, unless it diminishes to a cartopper or dusting.
  3. Too early to panic. Nothing is set in stone, not even close.
  4. I hate to say this but some of the blame falls on certain local forecasters, including Tommy T. He called for no more than 3-5" anywhere west of the bay. Most people probably assume that is manageable to drive. It certainly is a far cry from getting a 8-12" in 5 hours, which is what actually happened. I've also heard of someone with a relative in Dover who was told 4-6". Ended up with 11".
  5. I hope so, but I am skeptical. That Euro scenario with the strung out mess can't be dismissed, especially in a Nina. Hopefully the initial system is robust like the GFS shows.
  6. I think just about all of us who were fringed yesterday want to lock up what the GFS is offering.
  7. Snow pics are an essential part of the wx board experience when any of us gets a storm. Anyone within the region who wants to share his or her joy should feel free and never hesitate. Even if psuhoffman is the only one who gets a big storm, I’d love to see what he got. Anyone who feels offended by someone else’s snow pics is probably too much of a snowflake (haha see what I did there) to post here. But I don’t know of any regular who is like that, maybe that weenie tagged DCAlexandria troll? Yeah some people will get jealous, and chances are they are joking, but if not then that’s their damn problem.
  8. Yeah I later looked at the maps more closely and figured that it's probably more of a hybrid, which often works fine for our area.
  9. Imagine the mood here if this is a 1-3” event for DC and Baltimore, only for it to bomb out further north and drop 8-12”+ from Philly to Boston. We all know a Miller B can do that.
  10. I know it's very early but if that's how it ends up looking then I'm chasing this inland. Whitetail should be looking good this weekend.
  11. Exactly a foot of snow. ...Prince William County... Dale City 1 W 12.0 105 PM 1/03 Trained Spotter https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=lwx&issuedby=LWX&product=PNS
  12. Yeah I remember that too. After that southern storm, there was one small event in the middle of the month, and then after that winter was over. Even in Baltimore it got into the mid to upper 70s in late January.
  13. I’d be happy to lose power for half a day to have those scenes. Amazing.
  14. Fun little nerd fact: Exactly 20 years ago there was another southern slider that brought heavy snow to VA and southern MD, but fringed the northern areas. The difference was, that one didn’t even make it to DC. Atlanta and Raleigh ended up with more snow than DC and Baltimore for the whole winter because of that storm.
  15. The first winter I really followed and paid attention to was 2001-02. I was just a preteen boy. The following winter was 2002-03. The contrast couldn't have been more extreme.
  16. You know this is a brutal gradient when one part of the county barely gets a flake while the other corner of that same county gets 6"+ with very heavy rates. A crazy cutoff for sure.
  17. I don't either, but my point remains that there's much more to life than snow. I can understand a teenager or even an early 20s guy getting emotionally wound up over snow. Young people are immature in all kinds of ways, and I was like that for a long time. But if you're over 25, and an actual grown adult, then it is not normal, and there are so many better places to focus your emotional energy. But I can't change how you feel. At the end of the day it is your life, so that is for you to figure out.
  18. Snow has ended. Never got all that heavy but the landscape has been transformed so I'm happy with what I got. 1.5" is the total.
  19. Dude... if you're over 30 then I don't see why a few years of less snow should bring you so much emotional draining and pain. It's just weather. A grown man has more important things to worry about.
  20. I've been in this hobby for 20 years and I've seen it all. I also wish we could've done better but it's not worth being upset. There will be big storms that hit Baltimore again, while those places in southern MD and central VA that now have 10"+ with "ripping rates" will mix or change to rain. Everything balances out.
  21. The ground is covered here and the trees are coated. I probably have less than you but I'm pretty happy with this, especially after a snowless December.
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