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Everything posted by Fozz

  1. With a few minor changes, 1/6-1/10 could’ve been a slightly lesser version of Feb 6-10 2010, even for the northern tier. Those 10” totals from the first wave and those HECS totals from the second were absolutely in play even north of I-70, and the upper level setup was probably as good as it could get for that to play out. But it’s just bad dumb luck these days.
  2. I missed 1/6 due to that kind of family trip. Oh well. I’m just glad it was 5-6” and not a MECS or more where I live
  3. I would’ve regretted not going up there today, then I saw their wind chills. Eeek
  4. From now on, any mention of Feb 2025 will have that same feeling of dread that comes up when anyone brings up March 2001, December 2010 or March 2013.
  5. Yeah I'm getting vindictive and petty. And some of my family was planning a Thursday trip to NC. Would've been unthinkable a few days ago but now I hope they make it in peace.
  6. Bring on summer. I don't care for highs in the 20s if it's just going to be dry with brown grass. Let's get our first 80 before March 10.
  7. Why do I even bother torturing myself like this?
  8. Imagine if Richmond gets fringed
  9. That Millersville met is keeping me from giving it all up. I’m no H5/H7 expert but I vaguely recall some runs before Feb 9-10 2010 where the surface didn’t match what the vort maps showed.
  10. It’s a do or die moment
  11. A 50 mile shift would give us 6” and honestly I’ll take that at this point.
  12. Your optimism is admirable but don’t let yourself turn into Baghdad Bob.
  13. This looks as if I’d expect it to cut west of us and be a rainer. This is very puzzling to say the least.
  14. January 2010 was the one storm that shifted north just in time to clock Baltimore with warning snows. As much as I’d love to see the same with the midweek storm, I also know this isn’t 2009-10 anymore.
  15. We all remember this. You don’t have to tell us these details or post that map. We know.
  16. Nah, as DT used to say, the big dog is being put to sleep.
  17. But if I’m remembering correctly, the GFS was alone with that.
  18. Communication is so crucial in this profession. Especially in uncertain situations. I think most of the time, the experts are pretty good with this, saying "there is a possibility of a major storm", which leaves open the possibility of an utter rug pull like we're now seeing. But others have made some major mistakes - John Bolaris for example spent days hyping March 2001 so bombastically that he never lived it down.
  19. Yeah that map doesn't look so bad east of Parrs ridge. I just don't know if I believe it.
  20. Yeah it was around 2002 when I really started tracking the weather. PDII was amazing. But I'm glad I didn't really keep up with this in March 2001 because I would've probably cried.
  21. Yeah March 2001 was like finding out Tuesday night that it's all falling apart.
  22. Yeah we aren't getting a January 2000 surprise ever again.
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