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Everything posted by Fozz

  1. I've been trying to find the Manchester camera on MD traffic cams, but I can't find it there. Link?
  2. The sun is peeking out, very picturesque late afternoon view but it's basically snow TV. 4" on the dot.
  3. Down to pixie flakes. 3.8” with 7.3” depth
  4. Fingers crossed! Radar is looking slightly better and I'm about to do another measurement.
  5. Aren't you in Leesburg? I thought you're up to 6" now
  6. I was there as well. Tried to meet up with nj2va but it didn’t end up happening. That one was incredible.
  7. I thought about heading to the mountains this weekend, but the storm will mostly be over after tonight and the temps will be absurdly frigid with double digit negative windchills, so I chickened out
  8. I think we’ll end up on the lower end of that range.
  9. It really is a snow globe outside. For those of us near Baltimore and especially north, this past week might be our best stretch of winter since 2016.
  10. Seems like the good stuff will be sitting in our area for a while. Radar looks excellent.
  11. Sitting in a sweet band now. Just over 2” new
  12. Oh ok it was one of the first posts I saw when I opened the thread and I was a bit shocked for a second. But glad to hear it’s a great event!
  13. Are you serious?? Or is that your total snowpack?
  14. 29/17 Really looking forward to this. We haven't had a good run of deep winter in years.
  15. Does the timing with daylight really matter in mid-January? I always thought it’s much more of a factor in late February and March.
  16. We've been spoiled with the big ones for a long time, especially from 1996 to 2016. When half of DC and Baltimore's top 10 snowstorms in the last 130 years were in that 20 year period, then you know it's been a golden age for the mid-Atlantic HECS. https://www.weather.gov/lwx/winter_storm-pr#TopDaySnowfall
  17. Easily MECS level in the cities, and definitely historic and possibly an all timer in the interior. I can’t speak for it but those in the blue and white areas who are old enough to remember truly witnessed something exceptional.
  18. It was historic for the N/W areas and interior. Naso much for the coastal plain.
  19. When there’s a strong -NAO in the first half of a season (esp El Niño), it tends to return later. Happened in 2009-10 and many other such winters. I think a big storm is fair game for later this season. This isn’t 2010 or 1996, but it sure isn’t last year either.
  20. I’ll be so happy with 2” Anything more is a bonus
  21. Ended up with 4.4” IMBY. It was a fun storm and very much needed. Hope to see much more on the way.
  22. Just got back from a long drive from WV. 2.9” And now we’re in a warning? Let’s gooooo!
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