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Everything posted by ILSNOW

  1. that is a definite issue here now after the initial burst
  2. KLOT staying with 5-9 here while Milwaukee bumped up their southeast zones to 7-10.
  3. 18z HRRR dropping 16-17 inches in lake county near lake michigan no way its right but can always dream. It was way to high for the last storm with additional lake enhancement/lake effect.
  4. GFSv16 nice and wet basically 1 inch+ area wide Kuchera 10:1
  5. as is our favorite wet model the 0z GFSv16 thru 36 hours
  6. At first i thought the 8-12 map was from early but it is time stamped 3:20 CST. No where in the forecast discussion or zone forecasts does it state 8-12. Has to be wrong .
  7. 12z UKIE 10:1 snow map prolly little overdone
  8. GFS v16 still wetter then the other models
  9. yep pretty much every other model has at least 1 inch of precip with our friend the GFS para printing 1.6 for downtown Chicago. Doesnt hurt to start conservative and increase as we get closer I guess.
  10. UKMET with a nice spread the wealth system
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