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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Buffalo Grove, Illinois

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  1. earlier this week the "pattern" had changed to a more active one and we were looking at 3 possible snowstorms (Thursday, this weekend and mid week) and even pro mets were talking about the high possibility of 10+ inches here in Chicago from the first 2 storms, we all know it didnt happen for a variety of reasons and the upcoming 3rd snow storm will hit our friends in Kansas and Missouri (again). Have you noticed that we NEVER get a good bust in our area (there is no way the mid week KS/MO storm moves north because of a 1050 high pressure). So basically our 7 days of winter (snow) are done and now we can look forward to dry weather and below zero wind chills at night till it warms up and rains in early March.
  2. yes this big "active" pattern change was not much (4-5 inches on ground from Wednesday and last night) this weekend is a miss east and midweek is a miss south.
  3. In the category of it will never happen the 12Z UKMET tries to get ALEK close to his seasonal norms. Enjoy
  4. Solid 2 inches here and done prolly have 5 inches from the 2” storms” actually looks like winter. Suxs that we got teased for 1 model run yesterday that we actually had a chance at a snowstorm, hope you guys to the east get hammered.
  5. ICON t RGEM is an unbeatable combo just like the EURO and ETA were back in the day. lock it in!!!!!!!
  6. It’s pretty clear to me that the 18z RGEM is the only model that has a grasp on the Friday/Saturday storm!/s
  7. Snow has started here in Buffalo Grove.
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