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Everything posted by Franklin0529

  1. Tonight isn't really an event. Saturday night is trending better for sure. But seems the big dog potential is off the table
  2. GFS is South with the Tuesday -wed wave. Then follow up storm is rain. CMC is borderline warning event
  3. It keeps ticking north though. By Friday will be in NNE
  4. Euro looks like 8-12" for Tuesday. It's not the 20" storm it showed last night, but it's certainly nothing to sneeze at and would take in a heartbeat
  5. Looks like Tuesday is trending much drier
  6. Anyone got gefs?? At work can't access
  7. And yes I know it's gonna change a hundred times more
  8. The Tuesday storm is a whiff now, so now your chasing vday
  9. Can't keep chasing day 10 storms
  10. The Tuesday storm is a miss south
  11. Just seen it lol. That's what dreams are made of. Snows for like 24 hrs with 20" near the metro
  12. Pretty snowy, step back from earlier but still snowy
  13. I mean I guess, storms haven't been trending north this year. It'll change a 100 more times i know
  14. GFS is South for next Tuesday. Virginia gets like 20"
  15. EPS is ridiculous for next week.
  16. As always Walt. Thank you for your contribution. Hopefully we can cash in these next couple weeks!! Been a long time coming
  17. Impressive coming from you. Hope it holds
  18. Couple inches Wednesday maybe. Trending colder
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