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Everything posted by Franklin0529

  1. I'm in Galloway by ac. Got about 7-8" at my parents house. Still ripping
  2. Euro looks to be right over benchmark 992. That'll get it done for everyone
  3. See if the gfs comes north again. Biggest runs of the season!!
  4. Can't deny the trend. We may be able to will our way to a couple inches in the area
  5. Here's a pic out my front door in highlands new Jersey, basically sandy hook. Boxing day 2010, 33" that day
  6. I agree. Pattern shown in the next 2 weeks could very well produce a bomb from philly to Boston, heck maybe even DC. Hopefully it sticks through the weekend than we'll know if it has legs.
  7. If only!! Hey the big ones are sniffed out early right? Right?! Merry Christmas
  8. We've seen this movie before... is the north trend coming? How far will it go... nobody knows
  9. Yes, isolated severe storm. Im about 30 miles north of there. Was sunny all day
  10. Yes. Very sad, 19 year old female i heard
  11. Multiple people struck by lightning in seaside heights NJ. One fatality
  12. Im on Jersey coast in northern Monmouth county. Got 1.5" rain in less than 2 hrs. Had thunder an lightning also
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