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Everything posted by Franklin0529

  1. Euro isn't what it used to be. The rgem has been solid lately
  2. The RGEM has been great recently. Way better then the nam an gfs
  3. Rgem has been much better then the NAM
  4. 0. But that dont mean this one won't.
  5. Not surprising that's what you think
  6. I knew it wouldn't be long before you showed up.
  7. Humm. My mom loves in Galloway. Near ac. I might have to go spend Sunday night there if this holds
  8. Impressive.. long way to go. Best chance of the year so far
  9. Nice profile pic lol. This guy all snow gotta be related to snowman19
  10. Ant. Change your profile pic to rain. Reverse the curse
  11. Most definitely. The gfs doesn't even have the wave on 27th. So I guess we wait 2 weeks longer. Always 10-15 days away
  12. Frustrating. Hopefully score something soon
  13. U told me I was crazy last night. When gfs is alone its never good
  14. Gfs is slowly caving. Writing has been on the wall since yesterday. This sucks man. This epic pattern we were supposedly getting is gonna yield 2 driving rain storms
  15. Still not good. This is what the gfs showed at happy hr
  16. Still runs inland. Driving rainstorm
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