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Everything posted by Franklin0529

  1. Just like the storm tommor/Tuesday. Block trending stronger stronger leading up to showtime
  2. Yup an gfs is on its own basically for Tuesday 2/28. I'd rather have cmc euro suppressed at this stage anyway
  3. Right where we want it honestly. I don't trust the GFS. Look how it's handled this storm for 28th up here. Slowly trending towards euro,cmc,rgem
  4. Couple inches definitely on the table. That block means business. I don't trust the gfs. It's slowly trending towards the other models. Full cave by tommor afternoon
  5. This storm on the 28th needs to be watched. That block means business, with the nao trending strongest its been since December. I wouldn't be shocked if this keeps coming south.
  6. U just declared winter over lol. Don't do it to yourself. I mean I'm pulling for atleast one sizeable storm but not counting on it. There is another storm right behind this one on the 1st. Hopefully cash in on one
  7. We might luck into those couple inches after all!! I'm in galloway twp! Lfg
  8. RGEM also. Has been Solid lately. Much better then the nam. Might luck our way to a 2-4" event
  9. RGEM been solid lately. I'm down at my parents in galloway in Atlantic county this week. Hopefully see some snow falling atleast
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