Kevin so excited at the thought of crippling ice storms in all of SNE next week
Undoubtedly this will lead to the wrath of his legion of haters for wishing this upon us. Calling an ice storm 5 days out has about the same odds as Wiz being right calling for a SNE outbreak 5 days out.
You look at that and you can almost see the kind of coastals we get where they are storms that pound LA/Sierras 3-4 days before reaching the E Coast. Upper air pattern should be there. Feel a lot better with a 384 GFS prog that shows us with zilch too. How many times to we see one of those 384 progs show 48" and we end up with nothing ? 384 hr GFS snowmap #6 on Ray's Fraud Five list !
Feel like most decent storms over the years have one giant burp run at some point. Now usually its at the 72 hour mark not the 48 hour mark but I wouldn't worry a smidge until it's 2:30 AM and Crown bottles are being angrily thrown against walls and mutthhhaaaafukkkkkas are busting.