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Everything posted by TheBudMan

  1. Steve using the GEFM (George Extreme Forecast Model) ??[emoji3]
  2. Anyone else watching this from NWS tonight ? What a I am Great job NWS BOX mets !
  3. Take a week off Jerry then get the muthafukkas ready. LFG !!!
  4. Soon the annual metamorphosis will occur and Rev Kev will flip and join Dr. Dews to talk about TP sticking to fannies and encourage fear of droughts
  5. Kevin so excited at the thought of crippling ice storms in all of SNE next week Undoubtedly this will lead to the wrath of his legion of haters for wishing this upon us. Calling an ice storm 5 days out has about the same odds as Wiz being right calling for a SNE outbreak 5 days out.
  6. Once I see rain on LI I know we're straight cash homie. LETS GOOOOOOOOOOO EMAATT
  7. Can't stop laughing at this PERFECT !!! Pope slaps down the Rev !
  8. Who was the one who had the horrible maps a year or two ago way worse than Wiz'
  9. If this still looks good at 12Z I nominate the Pope to start the thread. Only good juju can come from the return of our long lost great Pope !!
  10. This demands a Jimmy post. We here at AMWX.com believe Jimmy is the Norlun expert and look forward to his analysis of the upcoming grave situation.
  11. Ray is on fire this morning. Tells me he's feelin this upcoming pattern
  12. You look at that and you can almost see the kind of coastals we get where they are storms that pound LA/Sierras 3-4 days before reaching the E Coast. Upper air pattern should be there. Feel a lot better with a 384 GFS prog that shows us with zilch too. How many times to we see one of those 384 progs show 48" and we end up with nothing ? 384 hr GFS snowmap #6 on Ray's Fraud Five list !
  13. When Ray is bullish it's a good sign ! previous winters when you've been bullish you've been right on
  14. Juuuuuuuuuuuuuust about time for the annual Countdown to May 1 thread. Fire up the epicosity Wiz !!!
  15. Ginx is in his hospital bed nurses hear the sounds and rush in thinking he's dying but really he's just reading this thread laughing his a$$ off
  16. The Rev preaches to his flock He’s done a coup on the Pope !
  17. Poor Pope is never coming back. Insulting to have the Rev standing in for him !!
  18. One of the best people on this board over the years ! the Sultan, the one who loves to bust balls on everyone. Get better Ginxy, you are missed !
  19. Need Jerry to wake up and give us the muthafukkas for BOS. Can Thursday be double digits ?
  20. When do we get Zeus to start a thread for good juju ???
  21. Feel like most decent storms over the years have one giant burp run at some point. Now usually its at the 72 hour mark not the 48 hour mark but I wouldn't worry a smidge until it's 2:30 AM and Crown bottles are being angrily thrown against walls and mutthhhaaaafukkkkkas are busting.
  22. DT hope you spend some time in here this winter, love to read your thoughts. Don't let the weenies get to you !
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