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Everything posted by stemwinder

  1. I'm lucky to live where it's GREEN. However, I miss NYC very much. You may be close enough to get to the Promenade, overlooking the East River. Haven't been there since the 60's, but it is one of Brooklyn's under appreciated gems, I think. Due to close soon, I understand. Stayed in a loft on Atlantic Ave Summer of 1978, NYC was really broken down in those days. My host would have dinner on his back deck. Railroad trees were his oasis. I don't remember well enough, but I'll bet there were cicadas too.
  2. When I hear the katydids, my summer is complete. Too bad it keeps getting hotter. One thing I miss big time is the song of the Wood Thrush, in the woods nearby. They seem to be gone locally,. Used to be a lot of little bunnies around . People feed the feral cats, so enough said.
  3. Speaking of insects, fireflies have been scarcer this year in the lawn under my deck. Fewer insects in general, I think. I heard the first cicada just minutes ago. Guessing it has been snatched up already. Im thinking that some cicadas sing in the twilight, and others in the heat of the day, where they make up whole choruses. When I hear that, I know that we're deep in Summer, heat or no heat. The 17 year variety will emerge around here next spring. They emerged in heaps, last time, Spring 2004. Their high pitched sound is nonstop during the few weeks they are around. They are amazing. (The birds will be happy.)
  4. That's a great loop. Yeah, Sandy came in from the east, and it all took forever. No power. No heat. Almost November. This one was much more benign. I did not like Sandy at all, no thank you.
  5. Ouch. Am guessing that it's an assassin bug. Beneficial, they say. A large group of insects, and some are downright nasty. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reduviidae has more info on the group of insects this belongs to. Nice picture. OOPS - sorry I did not see the great reply posted above.
  6. It looks a bit like Sandy, with that easterly fetch to the north. I don't have fond memories of Sandy, but this one was fun, if you did not have to be out there. The aquifers will be grateful.
  7. Wondering if the pool chlorine kills the virus. I hate the stuff, but that's a plus, if true.
  8. These cells have a habit of parting, like the Red Sea - when they cross the canal here. Not complaining. Have just enough lately. Don't want too much. Just keep the aquifers full, please.
  9. Thanks - that's a big help. I'm probably located around where the "e" is in "Princeton" on that map. Mercer County is not on the list you provided with the Mt. Holly warning. I did experience the outflow winds noted on radar earlier. Weather has become less boring of late. . . PS meant to say: map shows the influx of nice (to me) ocean air that cooled us off over here, storm or no storm.
  10. Thanks for that! Did Norman include any NJ counties? I'm in the Princeton/w Windsor area, and storms were passing by closely, but we got nary a drop. Of course, I'm in Mercer County. The NJ warning I saw did not have Mercer County, but the radar looked bad. I seemed to be in that big doughnut hole, and then cells started collapsing on radar. BTW, I've had some rain in the past week. Measured at least 2 inches, but the rain hits my deck broadside, so not sure how accurate that is. Thanks -
  11. A cell just rolled through here in w Windsor. Over an inch of rain, enough thunder. No great wind.
  12. It missed me in W Windsor. Got nudged westward and it looks to be dying over Bucks County.
  13. I just left north Princeton, and a cell was bearing down hard. Now home in W Windsor, and I think that it will hit here. Means losing my poor DSL. Now it's being nudged westward - look out Bucks County. Edit - 9:47 -looks as though it is dying with the night.
  14. I just left north Princeton, and it was bearing down hard. Home in W Windsor, and I think that it will hit here. Means losing my poor DSL. Edit 9:48 - Looks as though the cell got nudged westward and is dying in Bucks Co.
  15. getting some loud hail here in W Windsor in central NJ near Princeton. Lasted just a few minutes, but more coming perhaps.
  16. Lasted just a few minutes, mostly melted but noisy. More coming, perhaps.
  17. getting some loud hail here in W Windsor in central NJ near Princeton.
  18. It was definitely not a storm where everyone got their due. I hate summers where everything looks parched. Please, not this Summer, 2020.
  19. Down here in West Windsor, my little plastic rain gauge measured .85 inches. Not bad. More coming in the next 24 hours, perhaps.
  20. Coming down in buckets here right now. Wind is whipping, but not as severely as on June 3.
  21. Thanks for posting this, Uncle! I was a 9 year old in Jersey City when it happened. Heard about it from family talk. We had only radio back then. Much lesser known than the crash a year before when a B25 crashed into the Empire State Building. Much appreciate these postings. BTW, Trump owned this building years later, as you probably know. Edit: PS - just checked, and apparently the bldg is still known as "The Trump building". Owned by the Trump Organization.
  22. A few half-melted flakes were mixed in with the sprinkles about a half hour ago.
  23. Came through the Princeton area around 4AM. Some CG lightning, with bomb like thunder. Around .5 rain.
  24. I was in South Orange when this storm hit. I remember the peculiar crunching sound the snow made underfoot during the low temperatures that followed. The February storm was a nice one to remember. I think less of the royal slop fest that came in late March of that year. Apparently things were better further inland.
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