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Everything posted by stemwinder

  1. Thanks Uncle! I shudda remembered that. PS much appreciated, Don!
  2. Thanks for the Philly info here, Don. Your posts are always great. Forgive me everyone if I do not know this, since my lack of interest is due to this awful winter: Has Central Park recorded a temp below 20 degrees F. so far this winter? Thanks.
  3. I always draw a blank for a few minutes, when mentioning the January 1966 storm where NYC got dry slotted. I was in the DC area for a family baptism that time, where we got 14 inches, and no baptism. Was amazed to get back to relatively snowless NJ/NYC then. I can't find a good snowfall map for this storm online, even though it was a KU/NESIS event. Early Jan 1966 had some mild weather following a mild holiday season, - I remember a big subway/transit strike in NYC in December 1965, so the weather was merciful to subway/transit users who had to walk to work.
  4. That's the winter I was thinking of, to compare it. Was not present for that great winter. Was I jealous. Seems to me that here are two kinds of "great" winters The first kind is what we are talking about, with mild interruptions, and the second kind is a winter with a prolonged period of snow depth and cold, somewhat like 1960-61, which I also missed, or 1947-48, when I was just 11 years old.
  5. Thanks, Uncle. This is great. One thing about the Christmas eve storm, at least in Jersey City - a lot of sleet, and Thunder. Would have been deeper, if it had been all snow. Tracked a bit too close, I reckon. What I did like, is that the temps were well enough below freezing, at the surface. I have more memories of that winter - I was working as a deckhand on the harbor - a total misfit - the old Pennsylvania Railroad tugboats. I want to save that post of yours. It helps jog my own memories. I nearly drowned on a frozen railroad car float during the March cold spell. Someone grabbed me just in time. Lol.
  6. My favorite Winter from that decade was 1966-67. Lots of ups and downs, including at least three big storms: Christmas eve, the February blizzard, and one late in March that was actually powdery snow. Lots of other storms in between, and a cold, wintry March. That winter followed a brutally hot summer, you may recall.
  7. One of Winter's nicest surprises. I was in New Haven when it happened. The snow was a tad drier there, I guess. Glad I wasn't in Queens. Love storms that turn out that way.
  8. Snowflakes are flying here in the Princeton area ! - Mostly rain again. Nice while it lasted.
  9. not that far away - same thing happening.
  10. Cloudy Here for some time, but nary a flake. Wishing a Happy New Year to all, from Central NJ.
  11. What a storm. I was 10 years old, in Jersey City. Around New Years, we had an awful freezing rain storm, with no power. Thankfully we had old dirty gravity fed coal furnace heat back then. January and early February were a weenie's dream. Any technical or synoptic info on that winter is much appreciated.
  12. Uncle, thanks for the great summary of the one winter in the 60's I missed, being overseas then. I really fretted to hear about the winter of 60-61 from Europe. Especially the three really great storms of that season.
  13. Well, something roared through here just now. Not surprised at the tornado news. Sandy is what came to mind with the winds. At any rate, still have power.
  14. Noah must have been drunk to let them on his ark. He was known to get a bit tipsy on occasion.
  15. Hate to follow that post with this one: Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs were everywhere around here today. Am wondering what tomorrow will be like.
  16. Brown Marmorated Stinkbugs were everywhere around here today. Am wondering what tomorrow will be like.
  17. This is one wave I'm happy to see passing through. Looking forward to a little rest from humidity. Looks as though that returns next week.
  18. Not much more than spectacular clouds here. And a noticeable drop in temp/dp. More coming, but likely passing to my south.
  19. I'm no expert, but the front looks a lot weaker than the "bow waves" this time. Will appreciate a cooler day or two.
  20. 'Tain't over till it's over. Still rainy and thundery here near Princeton. We're on the back end now, but lightning can still strike. And August is still less than 1 week old.
  21. All the way from Wilmington. This has been the stormiest Summer since I move back from the West Coast in 2004. Sorry my DSL sucks during TStorms.
  22. Looks as though the main event energy has jumped to central NJ. Quite a day. Edit: Need to include Philly area too, of course.
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