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About NECT

  • Birthday 07/24/1968

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Woodstock Valley, CT

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  1. Thought Brooklyn would be an inch at best. Was hoping for 3" here, way above expectations.
  2. 35º and rain with a few mangled flakes, 665'. Hoping for some cold air to work in.
  3. Bedrooms a couple weeks ago. Downstairs big unit yesterday.
  4. Based on no science at all, I expect cold and dry once the rain finishes later this week.
  5. In a light rain, it's probably OK. They are air cooled, so any cover needs to allow air in.
  6. Thursday night is much less crowded at the fair.
  7. Probably not. But then again, not all storms show up correctly on models two weeks out, with the exception of cutters a day or two before Xmas.
  8. Barn is good. Will toughen him up. What's BW?
  9. PF or anyone with experience in the ski world... My 18 yo son has decided that after his first semester of college that it's not for him. He's dreaming of heading out west to find a job at a ski area. I'm not excited, but I get it. Is there a NNE resort that would be a good place for a young kid to try this?
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