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About Rankin5150

  • Birthday 06/17/1972

Profile Information

  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
  • Gender
  • Location:
    Belmont, NC
  • Interests
    My wonderful Family that I am so thankful for
    My love for the good ole US of A
    US Military

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  1. Praying for you bud. Praying for your friends and family affected.
  2. Matthew is awesome. I would take his input ANY time over Bastardi. J/S...
  3. There is always March 1960 analog to hang our hats on. LMAO!
  4. It looks like this round of runs is not showing any potential. Super quiet in here. Wish we had something to track yall. SMH...
  5. This far out, it is a good look. The problem is...it is the 8-10 day conundrum, which we cannot get past. Tomorrow, it will be gone again. GRRR...
  6. The models must REALLY be in TORCH MODE, because there has been NO activity at all in this thread today. LOL
  7. For those feeling the angst of a SH!TTY winter so far, just remember that the Winter of 1960 in North Carolina went SNOWLESS until Mid Feb of that year. The record for TOTAL Snowfall in a season was broken in Charlotte, NC. It snowed on February the 14th and then another lull until March 2nd, where the snowgates opened up and it snowed back to back to back. They ended up with 27" overall, which is way higher than the average 4-6 b/s we see. Just giving some food for thought that winter is not always over until April, etc.
  8. This REALLY sucks that we have nothing to correspond about in the mid to long term discussion. Is there ANYTHING promising wintery weather wise?
  9. Looks like some of the models are showing light to moderate frontal snow event. If I am not mistaken, these types of systems favor more of the eastern areas of the carolinas and the areas west of 85 seem to get the screw zone with snow, etc. Will be interesting to see how this evolves...
  10. Has anyone seen any responses from anyone on WHY the models are showing a suppressed look, with no cold?
  11. I was thinking the same thing. GRROOOAN. I miss the early 2000's. The years between 2000-2004 were epic times. Tracking storms left and right, a couple of sizeable snowstorms between being nickeled and dimed. SIGH...LOL
  12. CLASSIC! Love it Bob! Good to see you posting in our group my friend. I hope you and your family had a safe and wonderful Christmas and New Year!
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