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Everything posted by kat5hurricane

  1. They should have moved it to a neutral location ahead of the storm. Poor planning for such an important series.
  2. Beautiful night again last night, been a lot of those over the last few weeks. I like summer but this time of the year is the best weather IMO.
  3. That's going to be quite the fetch on the West Coast of Florida. Even though Tampa and northward will likely miss the core, the surge impacts should be quite significant. The only saving grace is the speed of the system, it won't have an opportunity to pile up as much water as Katrina did for instance due to the faster movement but a major surge event nonetheless.
  4. One of the craziest weather days in years. Heavy rain just about all morning then long lasting multiple thunderstorms this evening, even now at almost 2am with plenty of lightning flashes and thunder. I don't know much in the rain bucket but has to be in the 4-5" range. Edit: and now the rain is getting heavy again after a brief break.
  5. A lot of rain in Whitestone today, very localized heavy rain. The rain this morning killed my beach plans and now a long lasting thunderstorm.
  6. Training storms in northeast Queens. This is about 3 in a row with a slight break in between, hadn't seen training like this here in a while.
  7. Getting smoked in Bayside/Whitestone. Crazy rain, hard to drive in it even.
  8. 92 with a heat index of 105 at home in Whitestone. Ridiculous at 10:45am
  9. Lots of times we see Severe Thunderstorm Warnings and the storms aren't actually severe. This storm is certainly meeting severe status with torrential rain, constant vivid lightning and house shaking thunder.
  10. Deluge here, got home just in time before it started to downpour. And now the sun is out 5 minutes later, the briefest of downpours.
  11. Beautiful, refreshing weather after the heat of the last 5 days last 2 in particular.
  12. Swamp Ass season has officially arrived
  13. That was as good a weather weekend as we can ask for. Now....we bake
  14. That's been the only negative of it being somewhat "cooler" since Memorial Day weekend is that it's not ideal for beach goers so as an avid beach goer I'm all for some 90 degree days in our future but also as an avid Midtown Manhattan worker that likes to take long walks during lunch and he outside in general not looking forward to the Swamp Ass, as the illustrious @MJO812likes to put it, Days that lie ahead.
  15. I can't for the life of me understand why anybody would prefer high heat and humidity. The weather we've had the last week or so has been perfect. I don't mind some hotter days if I'm going to the beach or be on the water but otherwise, it's just uncomfortable.
  16. Damn, some loud shotgun thunder here in midtown.
  17. Same here in Queens, absolutely pouring the moment I got on the bus thank god. Pitch dark also
  18. First day since last October that it really felt like summer from early morning to night and it's wonderful, makes you feel alive after days of muck. Unfortunately, there's more muck to come before we hit full summer.
  19. I don't think so. You really think Anthony is trolling? I genuinely believes he likes this weather, same with Hoodie Guy. He gets weenied and made fun of every time he says he likes this weather and it always baffled me. To each their own is what I say but that's just me, it's all in good fun I suppose.
  20. Personally I hate this weather but why does it bother some of you that others like it? Not everybody is a warm weather fanatic even in Spring.
  21. Back to back beauties yesterday and today. Too bad that we go back into the soup by Wednesday.
  22. Just about pitch dark in midtown right now. I was so busy at work that I forgot about the eclipse so I told a co-worker that it wasn't supposed to rain today so I don't know why it's so dark then he told me it's the eclipse and needless to say that I felt like a dummy haha.
  23. I don't know if it's been mentioned but...4.8 earthquake and the eclipse is on....4/8
  24. Where's Kevin Bacon when you need him?
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